Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Stormy weather

Thursday 16 June 2011

This awful weather makes me wish the sun will shine like in these photos again.

Blouse: Topshop
Shorts: Casanova
Wedges: Topshop
Sunglasses: market
Bracelets: H&M, Six
SC said...

Very nice that skirt!

Is dat n echte tattoo??

x I'm following now :)

Manon Margaretha said...

Ik mis de zon ook !
Zit die tattoo er nou nog steeds O: Echt vet (:

Petra said...

Wat een leuke foto's!! Love the glasses!!

Мария Баранова said...

Love the sunnies!
And thank you for your sweet comment! :)

Catherine said...

beautiful! I love this blouse Nice looook xxx

TheStreetFashion5xpro said...

beautiful photos

Anonymous said...

oh my what a garden! love the white looks perfect with the green grass. your glasses rock, i love love love them

Style With K said...

you look great! i like your sunnies!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

R. said...

waaaaaaaaaaa,i love your tattoo!

Helgaburdina said...

I love your photos!:)

R. Grace said...

The star tattoo on the shoulder makes me so happy.

Amira said...

Great pics! Amazing sunnies!

alessandra nitti said...

i love this outfit! :-)


offline said...

what cute blog :)
followed ;)


Fanny and Lou said...

oh, I like your sunglasses :D

carling said...

love the tatoo!;)

Check me out:

Gabrielle - I LIKE IT FAST said...

Great style, stunning girl!

Anonymous said...

Super lovely outfit, and summer-ish photos :-)


Flo. said...

Hele gave blouse & zonnebril! Is die ster een echte tattoo?! xoxoox

Unknown said...

Lovely sunnies!!!

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Lauradenkt said...

Leuke zonnebril :)

fairy on acid said...

So lovely!

Maybe you'd like to follow each other? :)

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Anonymous said...

Supermooie foto's. Ik vind de tatoo echt leuk staan. x

Eline Du Mongh Photography said...

Wat een leuk foto's zeg !!!

Eline DM*

Hoop dat je me wilt volgen.


so cute blog, follow each other?