Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Wihoeee it's fall

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

You may be wondering who's stupid enough to walk around sleeveless and almost bare-legged while it's 7 degrees outside. Well, the answer is simple: i am! I just hate to dress a certain way because the weather tells us to. And it's not like i'm spending a lot of time outside my house or school, where it's nice and warm. So my advice to you all: put away the furry sweaters, pull out the tank-tops again, and just enjoy fall!

Top: Vero Moda
Skirt: Zara
Shoes: Nelly
Necklace: Topshop
Cuff: H&M

Dancing like crazy underneath the stars

Sunday, 28 October 2012

This week/holiday was so amazing. Parties everyday. Dancing, wine, baguette, moonlight, music, amazing people, falling asleep in the cinema. A week how it is supposed to be.
These photos were made at the party i gave wednesday. Usually i prefer parties from other people, but in my opinion it was just perfect this time :) With A LOT of fucked-up photos as a result. O and don't ask me why, but the dress-code was hipster haha. That explains the flowers/bandannas/glasses etc.
The best photos are probably on my disposable camera, i'll get them developed tomorrow!

While looking at these photos, listen this. Well, only when you're dutch. ja natuuuuurlijk

Outfit and pretty places

Friday, 26 October 2012

1) Blue Mosque
2) Bershka top, H&M skirt, Issue 1.3 boots
3) floor at a Bazaar
4) sewerage from the romans
5) with Nikki at the hagia sophia
6) Blue Mosque

Old yarn factory

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Nikki and i were walking on the Grand Bazaar (a HUGE area with all kinds of Turkish shops) in Istanbul, when we saw a nice clothing shop at a small square. There weren't any other tourist, which is kinda strange because the Bazaar is one of the most touristic places in Istanbul. I was looking were the noise came from when we had arrived at the square, and all of a sudden i saw this old yarn factory, which was still working. An old man saw me taking photos and asked us in. And it was so special to see! Not only because i'm sewing a lot myself, but also because you never see this anywhere else. All the yarns crossing over the ceiling to be placed on bobbins, in all kinds of colors and materials. How wonderful!

Triangles and lacquered toes

Monday, 22 October 2012

Rather simple outfit from Istanbul with a necklace i bought at Topshop a day ago. It was kinda hard to choose a nice outfit because it was very hot (30 degrees), but we had to be covered since we were visiting mosques almost every day. This turned out in not so special outfits. And there was hardly time to make some outfit-photos so i only have 3 outfits for you. And here's one of them :)

Top: Vero Moda
Jeans: Topshop
Shoes: Issue 1.3 via Nelly 
Sunglasses: Primark
Necklace: Topshop
Bracelets: random

Istanbul, you were amazing

Saturday, 20 October 2012

I'm back from Istanbul, and it was so amazing! Full of colors, inspiration, laughter, importunate salesmen, massages, wine and cocktails, tiredness, blisters, sunshine, wonderful people and experiences to never forget.


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

How i love all these parties and people. I met most of them this summer, but they are all so amazing and sweet! I hope most of the photos that were made at these parties will never see the daylight ;) But i wanted to show you at least a few photos of where and with whom i've been lately.

All sorts of parties. And pre-parties at the station with me dressed as a unicorn on a chair, which was the birthday-present
Janoël and i bought for Leonie (on the picture right beside). Stupid presents are always the best :)

Travel essentials

Saturday, 13 October 2012

I'm in the airplane right now to Istanbul! I'm actually horrible when it comes down to packing, but this are the things i always carry with me while traveling/flying.
-mineral facial spray with roses from Dille & Kamille. Nice to refresh your face.
-hand cream from Sabon
-Vichy Aqualia Thermal eye roller. Travelling can be pretty tiring, this roller is there to cover the ugly marks under your eyes.
-hand cleanse gel from the Body Shop with tea tree. Travelling can also be pretty dirty ;)
-small perfume bottle that you can fill yourself (from Ici Paris), filled with Juicy Couture
-something to read; the newest issue of Elle came just in time!

Yesterday is just a thought away

Thursday, 11 October 2012

This top from Selected Femme (via Zalando) is one of my new favorites. It's just so easy to combine! It's great for a school-day when you're wearing a top underneath, but it's also perfect for a night out since it has this beautiful sheer back (couldn't capture it really good, sorry)!

Top: c/o Selected Femme via Zalando
Legging: c/o Gsus via Zalando
Shoes: Issue 1.3 via Nelly
Bracelets: Six, River Island, ebay

Short break

Thursday, 4 October 2012

You may have noticed that i abandoned blogger a lot lately. It is just that i'm so busy. That's why i'll stop blogging for one week. I don't know how it's in your country, but in holland you've got different maths levels at school. Right now i'm following the hardest that you can have, but i'm switching to a less difficult one. Of course it will be easier, but for now i need to catch up a whole year + the chapters they're doing now. That means A LOT OF WORK. It won't be done in one week (more like a 3 months) but it won't be necessarily to give up blogging for that long. And i don't want to ;)
But next thursday there will be another post again, and 2 days later i'll fly to Istanbul! Oeeeh, so excited!

These photos are made by sweet friend Janöel (see her on the 3rd photo) at Lowlands.
Aaah, looking at them is bringing back so many good memories.

Latest outfits

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Time for a recapture- which one is your favorite?