Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Follow if you find style with bloglovin'

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Just wanted to tell you for the last time (since google reader will disappear, as we all know) that you can follow me on Bloglovin' here (click).

Structures, textures, colours

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

2 weeks without blogging, how did i manage to do that?! Luckily testweek is over now (HELLO HOLIDAAAAY), so i'm out of my cave and completely on the blogging-track again!

Since google reader is almost shutting down, i want to point out the option to follow me on Bloglovin.
Can anyone tell me why/when/what exactly they're removing from google? Since i haven't been blogging for a almost a decade i'm not really up-to-date...

Okay, back to the photos again. You can see some random things below i suddenly came across and photographed. Things like this are actually inspiring me the most: strange shapes, textures, colours en structures.

Give me them gold coins, gimme them coins

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Today my testweek started, with Dutch. It went great! But Dutch actually is a subject that's always going quite well. Tomorrow physics is on the schedule, ieeeeks. I'm so scared i'll screw it up :( I learned a lot so there's nothing more i can do, but still...

Luckily i found some time between learning to make some outfit photos, but i can't promise you this will happen a lot! Cause after the testweek there are resits, and i need to get good grades for them to pass this year. Fingers crossed!

Bomber jacket: vintage
Jeans: Only
Shoes: Doc Martens

Printed all over

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Found these perfect collages at one of my favorite blogs: the 4 hundred beats. 'Tropical', 'seapunk', and 'african' are definitely three of my favorite trends this summer. And i'm curious, what are yours?

Selfmade trousers

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Ugh, i'm so busy busy busy. Test week is starting in 7 days so i learned a lot, got quite some performances with my band (3 again this week, gotta love casssssh), went to fun parties, etc etc. Hopefully this sunday will be my first evening at home in 2 weeks time. And i already know what to do than: SLEEP. Cause man i am exhausted.

And what do you think of my trousers? I finished sewing them a few weeks ago, and i actually love to wear them! They're so comfy and just the perfect fit!

Top: Monki
Trousers: selfmade
Bracelets: River Island, H&M
Shoes: Vagabond