Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Collars and red

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Yes, it was very windy today. :)

Top: Primark
Jeans: Cheap Monday
Shoes: nelly.com
Bracelet: H&M

Summer nights

Monday, 28 May 2012

This weekend was just amázing. My parents and brother went away this weekend, so i invited 3 friends over to stay for the night. We made marshmallows, danced like crazy (sorry neighbors for the loud music) and had A LOT of fun. Yesterday i went to a friend who had this party and i slept at his place, well, sleeping... I slept like 2 hours. And that party was also A LOT of fun. I'm feeling quite ill today, but luckily there isn't any school today and it was all worth it. God i love these summer nights!
I'll try to make some outfit-photos asap, but i'm so busy right now! Sorry!

New in

Saturday, 26 May 2012

This are my amsterdam buys (magazines, jacket, blouse, bracelets and the jeans you saw in my last outfit post).
I also received this beautiful cooee design bracelet i won at a give-away from justlikesushi. And i'm so happy with it! It goes well with every outfit because of its basic design, but makes every outfit just a little more special! Just perfect. Thank you Joy!
And i got these shoes from nelly. You can also order them in blue or mint!

1) pink/golden bracelet: Bershka, skull bracelet: Ebay, bracelets: River Island
2) magazines: Atheneum
3) jacket and blouse: Bershka
4) shoes: Nelly.com
5) bracelet: won at a give-away
And check these amazing Romwe give-aways from here, here and here!


Thursday, 24 May 2012

You may remember that i told you i'd go to a fashion-designer in Amsterdam. Well, her name is Els Petit, and her label is called Elsewerk. I asked if i could come to her to see how it really is to be a fashion-designer. And  i've got a really good picture of it now! It's actually kinda different than i thought, it isn't like you're only designing some collections and bringing it to the stores. There is so much more work!
These photos were made in her atelier. Although she thought it was incredibly messy, i thought it was incredibly inspiring! I would love to have a place like that! :)
It was amazing to get a peek in 'her life as a designer', and she was so nice and sweet! I would really like to thank her for the opportunity!
You can see/buy her collection here (click).

Amsterdam outfit #2

Monday, 21 May 2012

I just bought the jeans before i made these photos. It's my first one from Cheap Monday, but i can tell you, there'll be more! They are just perfect, the fit is so nice!
(and some of you might have noticed i deleted my facebook page, and if you didn't, well you know it now. I want to thank all of you who gave these sweet comments! :)

Blouse: Next
Jeans: Cheap Monday
Loafers: Primark
Bracelets: Bershka, River Island, market

Bombay bicycle club

Saturday, 19 May 2012

So when my sisters and i were in amsterdam, we also went to a concert of bombay bicycle club in 'de melkweg'. And it was a-ma-zing! They are one of my favorite bands, and the warm-up act the darcys (though i didn't know them) was great too! If you don't know them: go check 'm out! It's worth it!
Unfortunately i couldn't bring my SLR-camera to the concert, so the photos are a bit blurry...

1) the darcys
2, 3) bombay bicycle club

New blog name

Thursday, 17 May 2012

I've been thinking a lot about changing my blog name lately. I'm just not happy with it, i think it's impersonal and well... i just don't like it. I know it will be a lot of work, cause it doesn't mean i only need to change my url, but also my mail, facebook, bloglovin, etc. But i have some collaborations going on, and i guess that if i want to change it, i need to do it NOW. But still... i'm doubting my ass off. What do you think? Should i change my name? I'm thinking about these names, which one do you like the most? Or do you have any other suggestions?

Amsterdam outfit

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

This is what i wore on saturday, while shopping! 
Haha, sorry for the people walking 'through' my photo. ;)

Jacket: vintage (via IJhallen)
Necklace: H&M faa
Skirt: H&M faa
Shoes: Sasha


Back from Amsterdam

Sunday, 13 May 2012

I'm back from Amsterdam. And it was wonderful! My sisters and i really had a blast! I know, there was supposed to be a scheduled post today, but because i came home earlier i thought this would be better! :)
You can expect 2 outfit posts from Amsterdam, a post about a fashion-designer, bombay bicycle club (we went to their concert and it was AMAZING!), yummy food and a post with the items i bought.

1, 4) random shots from Amsterdam
2) amazing rings at a store (i forgot the name of the store. how stupid!)
3) such a lovely shop called the Darling. If you're in amsterdam, you should really take a look! They're not only selling these lovely clothes and accessories, but can also drink some tea here with delicious homemade cupcakes!


Friday, 11 May 2012

You should really make this milkshake, it's so yummy! Especially on a hot day!
All you'll need:
  • 3 scoops whipped cream ice-cream
  • Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. You can also use one sort of fruit, but if you're using all three you must be sure to put in more strawberries than raspberries and blueberries, since these have a 'stronger' taste.
  • A little bit yoghurt
Just mix this with a blender, and you'll have a delicious milkshake!
Bon appetit!

Azzedine Alaïa

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

As i told you, i went to the Groninger museum to see the exhibitions from Azzedine Alaïa and Iris van Herpen (you can see van Herpen in one of my next posts). Unfortunately the lightning was really bad, but i tried to make some photos anyway. You might not see how beautiful these dresses are, but really, they are astonishing! And a lot of my photos failed because of the light, but you can expect more photos from van Herpen!

Puzzle pieces

Sunday, 6 May 2012

I just looove this blouse, which is an old one from my grandma. I also went to Groningen with her this week, to visit the museum with an exhibition from Iris van Herpen and Azedine Alaïa. It's great there's finally something fashion-related in the north of Holland, since all the nice things are always in the west. And than i have to travel at least 2 hours... Speaking about the west, i'm going to Amsterdam this weekend with my 2 sisters. I'm really looking forward to it!

(I wanted to keep the attention on the blouse, that's why i choose this white-background.)

Blouse: vintage
Jeans: Topshop
Loafers: Primark



Friday, 4 May 2012

I don't know what to do with my facebook page. I've got it for about 3 months now and i only got 32 likes. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like i don't appreciate these likes, but sometimes i've got the feeling that i'm posting things on facebook for... nothing. I'm posting inspiration photos every day, my own outfits and when there's a new post on my blog, when i bought something or found an amazing webshop. And you can go on. But i feel like nobody's reading it (except for some sweet friends :). So i think i'll just stop with it, unless there will all of a sudden be a lot of activity from you guys/girls. So now my question to you is: would you like me to go on with it, or won't you mind it when i delete my facebook?
You can find my facebook here.