Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Don't believe everything you think

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Unfortunately a lot of these photos were way to light... And since i haven't got photoshop or anything like that, you'll just have to do it with this! :)
This is an automatic post, i'm currently enjoying my holidays in italy! 

Jacket: Bershka
Skirt: h&m
Tights: unknown
Shoes: Sasha
Bag: won at a give-away
Bracelets: Bershka, River Island, ebay

Follow your dreams, they know the way

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Automatic update from Italy.

1) new books and Vogue
2) matte green with silver tips


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Greetings from the sunny Italy!


Give-away winner

Thursday, 12 July 2012

I'm leaving to Italy tomorrow morning! And i'm so looking forward to it! I'll be away for 2,5 weeks but don't worry, i've got some posts scheduled for you! Less than normal, but i won't be away completely. Of course i'm a total sucker when it comes down to packing, so my suitcase was already full when i had only packed my clothes. So i had to redo it twice before everything fitted. But my suitcase is closed now! So i'm ready to go :)
And the winner of the kenzaa give-away is Flo! Congrats! I've send you an email.

Okay. This photo hasn't got anything to do with the post. Whatever.

Repost: give-away (kenzaa top)

Monday, 9 July 2012

Because this give-away is for dutch readers only, i'll continue in dutch./

Omdat ik 300 volgers heb, heb ik een give-away voor jullie!
Ik weet dat het afgezaagd is, maar echt bedankt dat jullie m'n blog bezoeken en altijd van die lieve berichtjes achterlaten. Hier word ik echt blij van!
De give-away is een samenwerking met kenzaa, een webshop die jullie waarschijnlijk wel kennen ondertussen :) En ik mag deze top weggeven in maat xs/s!

Wat moet je doen om te winnen?
-volg ifyoufindstyle via gfc
-schrijf je in voor de nieuwsbrief van kenzaa
-like kenzaa op facebook of volg ze op twitter
-laat je e-mail achter in een comment

Nog meer kans maken?
-volg ifyoufindstyle op bloglovin
-plaats een tweet over deze actie of een bericht op facebook

Je kunt meedoen t/m 11 juli, op 12 juli zal ik de winnaar bekend maken.
En bedenk eens hoe leuk deze top zal zijn met een spijkerjasje!


Saturday, 7 July 2012

Thank you Dönja for taking photos everytime!

Top: h&m
Skirt: h&m faa
 Shoes: Primark
Necklace: h&m faa
Bag: Primark

Under the sky

Thursday, 5 July 2012

My friends and i slept peacefully at the shore yesterday, under the stars. It's just perfect to wake up while the birds are singing and the sun is shining. I love those summer nights :)

Ruffles and bows

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

I received this pretty top today from sans-online, an online webshop with amazing items. Although this top is quite simple, i really like it! And they're selling a lot more great t-shirts.
It's always good to have some basics in your closet, and since i don't own a lot of them, this top from edc (edc dameskleding) is a good addition. I guess i'll be wearing it a lot this summer!
Don't forget to join my give-away!

Top: Sans-online
Skirt: h&m
Shoes: Nelly
Bracelets: Cooee design, h&m, ebay
Ring: New yorker

Random holiday photos

Sunday, 1 July 2012

I'm a bad blogger, i know. I had some unexpected parties and didn't sleep at home so there wasn't any time to update... Sorry! I'm just posting some random photos that were made in Dubai this spring, haven't got anything else to show you.
And i want to change my lay-out, any suggestions?
Don't forget to join my give-away!