Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

McQueen's Sarah Burton

Monday, 28 November 2011

Such an inspiring video with Sarah Burton from Alexander McQueen! She perfectly tells us what it's all about... being original, creative and passionate. You have to do something because you LOVE it, not cause you want to be a hype or something!

Dancing in the fields

Saturday, 26 November 2011

My mom made these photos in May during our vacation in England! I came across them while watching old holiday photos, since the weather is so cold in holland... Such a shame i never posted them! I just really LOVE the light. Be prepared for an overload of photos!

Dress: Sisterspoint
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Sasha
Bag: Harrods
Ring: Bijou Brigitte
Bracelets: Six


Diary - saturday

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

As you may have already read, i did some shopping last saturday with my mom. I bought a scarf, fabrics and some other things. Later that day i went to tim knol with a friend! I only made 5 photos or so (i just didn't think of it), and this is the best one. ;)/

Zoals je misschien al gelezen had heb ik zaterdag wat gewinkeld met mn moeder. Ik heb een sjaal gekocht, stoffen en nog wat andere dingen. 's Avonds ging ik naar tim knol met een vriendin! Toen we daar waren kwamen we ook nog andere vrienden tegen waarvan we niet wisten dat ze ook gingen, dus dat was heel gezellig! :D Ik heb maar 5 foto's gemaakt (ik had er gewoon niet aan gedacht) en dit is de beste!

1) Purchases: six earrings for my birthday,
powder brush from the body shop and a chanel rouge coco lipstick
2) lunching :)
3) tim knol and the warm-up program: tangerine

Say what?

Monday, 21 November 2011

Haha, his laugh is just hilarious. ;)

Interview with Henry Holland by Asos.

Cause you know

Saturday, 19 November 2011

My mom made these photos this morning before we did a little shopping.
Tonight I'm going to Tim Knol (a dutch singer) with my friend. I've already seen him before and he's great! :D

Jacket: market
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Tally Weijl



Thursday, 17 November 2011

These magazines are just amazing... 
Another Magazine is a dreamy magazine, full of interviews and editorials with not-so-typical models. When you see it in the shelves... buy it! You may think it's kinda expensive for a magazine, but it's not really a magazine, it's more like a book. It's full of must-haves and photos to hang on your wall.
About i-D: i just love the androgynous models. This magazine is one source full of inspiration and inspiring people. And it never is what you think it is! (wow, that sounds mysterious. hahaha. ;)
Bazaar is more 'normal'. And that's what i like about it. Great photos, collages, good fashion and some celebrities. It's more high-street, but that can also be OK!

My friend Sofie bought i-D and Bazaar for me in London, thank you so much dear! :D
Another Magazine
Harper's Bazaar
which one is your favorite?

Hey hey hey, it's your birthday

Monday, 14 November 2011

Saturday i ordered clothes for my birthday and i can't wait till the packages will arrive! :D
When i saw this dress it was love at first sight, but i still had my doubts because it only has one (thin) sleeve, and my birthday is in december, when it's probably freezing... Eventually i ordered the dress ánd a blazer, to make it a bit more wearable. It's a bit of a pity i have to wear it with a blazer, because the dress is so pretty cause of the shoulder detail and wide sleeve, which you won't see anymore. But at least i have my dress ánd a sparkling blazer, so now my party just HAS to be good. I really hope that it fits, because they didn't have my normal size anymore...

Ps. I was also thinking about ordering these Topshop shoes to complete the look... what do you think? Order them?

Rare dress
Zara blazer

Another place to hide

Saturday, 12 November 2011

I'm trying to find some good spots to make photos inside, since it's so cold outside... I guess my bed isn't the perfect place, cause i can't make a full body-shot, but i really like the lightning here! Maybe in front of the closet?
(I know, it's the same outfit as i posted yesterday, but this post is about the place where the photos are taken, not about the outfit. :)

Favorite bag

Friday, 11 November 2011

I've never shown this bag before, while it's actually my favorite!
My tests this week didn't went that well... Because i was sick i couldn't really concentrate, but luckily i'm feeling better now! And thanks for the things you lovely readers said, they made me smile. :)/

Ik heb nog nooit eerder deze tas laten zien, terwijl het m'n favoriet is!
M'n toetsen gingen deze week niet zo goed... Omdat ik ziek was kon ik me niet concentreren, maar gelukkig voel ik me al beter! En dankje voor de lieve dingen die jullie zeiden, ik werd er blij van. :)

Poncho: H&M
Trousers: Zara
Bag: Bershka
Bracelets: Six

Under the sheets

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I wish i could lay all day in bed. Under the warm sheets. But unfortunately i'm having a testweek... (2 tests a day for 5 days). I'm just always ill at the wrong time... ;)
Just showing old photos 2 friends and me made for a school assignment last year. We had to make a fashion magazine! One sad thing; i'm not really a good model. whahaha./

Ik zou willen dat ik de hele dag in bed kon liggen. Lekker warm onder de dekens. Maar helaas heb ik deze week toetsweek. Ik ben altijd ziek op het verkeerde moment... ;)
Hieronder zie je oude foto's die 2 vriendinnen en ik hebben gemaakt voor school vorig jaar. We moesten een modetijdschrift maken. Wel een beetje jammer; ik ben niet echt een goed model. Whahaa.

Aztec top: New Look
Second outfit: Topshop
Shoes: H&M

Find me on tumblr

Monday, 7 November 2011

I actually wanted to make some outfit photos today, but i'm ill, so you'll just have to do it with this news!
I always loved to look at tumblrs, but it was hard to follow them because i didn't have one myself... That's why i've created a tumblr this friday! And i already have 4 followers! :D
You can see my account here. (click)/

Ik wilde eigenlijk outfit foto's maken vandaag, maar ik ben ziek, dus moet je het maar met dit nieuws doen!
Ik vond het altijd heel leuk om op tumblrs te kijken, maar het was moeilijk om ze echt te volgen omdat ik er zelf geen had... Dus daarom heb ik deze vrijdag een tumblr gemaakt! En ik heb al 4 volgers! :D
Zie mijn account hier. (klik)

you can find these photos on my tumblr.

And the winner is...

Saturday, 5 November 2011

The run was between Roos and Flo and... congratulations Roos! You won the feather necklace! I've sent you an email.
I also baked some marshmallow cupcakes with a recipe from the Hummingbird bakery. Nobody except me liked them, so now i have a lot of cupcakes to eat! haha. (they are looking a bit weird, but after making the batter 3 times in a row they díd tasted yummy. ;)/

De 'run' was tussen Roos en Flo en... gefelciteerd Roos! Je hebt de ketting gewonnen! Ik heb je een mailtje gestuurd.
Ik heb ook marshmallow cupcakes gemaakt met een recept van the Hummingbird bakery. Niemand behalve ik vond ze lekker, dus nu heb ik een heleboel cupcakes om te eten! haha. (ze zien er een beetje raar uit, maar na 3 keer het beslag gemaakt te hebben smáakten ze wel lekker. ;)

Ps. check this amazing nailpolish give-away! (click)


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Today is the last day to join my give-away! For the ones who didn't know; (almost impossible cause i posted about it a zillion times. ghehe) you can win a necklace, and it's open for all my lovely readers in the world! So you live in africa, asia or america? Maybe europe or australia? Join! This is your last chance!

1) follow me with gfc
2) like the If you find style facebook page (click)
3) leave you email in a comment

Gif it to me

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

They make me a little dizzy...

1) random tumblr

2) click
3) random tumblr
4) click