Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Zara sale favourites

Thursday, 30 June 2011

Zara sale: I love you!
Unfortunately my H&M order has just arrived, so I haven't got any money left... (Of course I ám happy with my order.)
But it isn't a bad thing to look at these pieces... Right?

As you can see: I am really into basics. I guess that's mainly because I just don't really have any. ;)

DIY ring

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Yesterday I didn't feel like learning (I'm having a test week at the moment) so I decided to make a ring from a clip earring. You can put all sorts of things on the ring, and it only takes a few minutes! (plus the drying)
Scroll down for a simple tutorial:

What you need:

  • jewelry glue (I used glue from the brand MakeMe!)
  • pliers
  • something to put on the ring (like a brooch, clip earring, flower or a nice button)
  • a plain ring (I used one from the brand MakeMe!)
step 1: Make sure the thing for on the ring is as flat as possible.
(I took the clip off)
step 2: if the thing for on your ring isn't fitting on your basic ring,
you should take the circle with holes (this must be in the package from your plain ring)
and glue it. Also glue the thing for on your ring. ('thing for on your ring' sounds really stupid,
but I just don't know how to call it! ;)
step 3: press the glued parts on each other and wait until it's dry.
step 4: put glue on the ring and the thing for on the ring.
Step 5: press the two glued parts on each other.
Now look for something where you can stick the ring in, like Styrofoam. (I used cardboard)
Found it? Put the ring in it and wait for 24h so your glue can dry completely.
And tadaaa, here is your ring!
That was easy!

Being creative

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Finally a normal post!
Yesterday I went to Amsterdam with the orchestra I'm playing in, and truly: it was an amazing day! We went to 'Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ' (it's a building where lot of concerts, workshops and exhibitions are) by bus. When we arrived we ate something, and after that we got 2 workshops: one with our own instruments, and one with sounds: we had to make music with different machines. The best machine: a drawing table. At each point on the table you heard a different sound when you drew on it! So you created a sort of music drawing. After the workshops we had a meet and great with 2 members of the Metropole Orcestra, ate something again, and then I sneaked out with a couple of girls to Starbucks, to get a nice Caramel Frappuccino. mmm... Then we had to go back to the building, because we where going to listen to a concert from the Metropole Orchestra. And I loved it. The music was great; a combination of jazz / world music / pop and film music.
Around one o'clock I was back home again.

Now back to the post: I'm really into style scrapbooking lately. It's just very relaxing and inspiring. You should try it too!/

Eindelijk een normale post!
Gisteren ben ik naar Amsterdam geweest met een orkest waar ik in speel, en echt waar: het was geweldig! We gingen naar Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ met de bus. Toen we aankwamen aten we wat en daarna kregen we 2 workshops: eentje met onze eigen instrumenten en de andere met geluiden: we moesten muziek maken met machines. De leukste machine: een teken tafel. Uit elke plek op de tafel kwam een ander geluid als je erop tekende, dus je maakte eigenlijk een soort muziek tekening!
Na de workshops hadden we een meet and greet met twee leden van het Metropool Orkest, aten we wat en ging ik met een paar meiden naar Starbucks voor een heerlijke Caramel Frappuccino. mmm...
Daarna gingen we weer terug naar het gebouw omdat we naar een concert van het Metropool Orkest gingen. En ik vond het geweldig. :D De muziek was super: een combinatie van jazz / wereld muziek / pop en film muziek.
Rond een uur was ik weer thuis... (vanochtend heb ik tot half 12 geslapen. ;)

Nu terug naar de post: ik ben erg 'into' style scrapbooking de laatste tijd. Het is leuk om te doen en erg inspirerend! Moet je ook eens proberen!

23 June

Friday, 24 June 2011

Sorry for not posting today! Right now I'm laying in bed. (did you know that typing on an iPod touch is really annoying?) Really have to go to sleep now, because tomorrow is going to be a busy day; I'm going to Amsterdam with an orchestra I'm playing in. Hopefully I will be able to post on Sunday...
Have a nice weekend!/

Sorry voor het niet posten vandaag! Ik lig nu in bed (wisten jullie dat posten op een iPod touch erg irritant is?) en moet echt gaan slapen want morgen word een drukke dag; ik ga naar Amsterdam met een orkest waar ik in speel. Hopelijk kan ik zondag weer posten...
Een fijn weekend! :)


Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Blogger is back to normal again. Woehoe!

Blouse: H&M
Shorts: H&M
Tights: Primark
Wedges: Topshop
Double finger ring: Topshop
Watch: Hiphop


Stupid blogger.

Argh, why is blogger so annoying? I can't upload any photos...

Almost there

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Outfit post coming tomorrow.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

The day before yesterday my brother turned 18 and yesterday he gave a party, so I wasn't able to post. (sorry guys!)
Here are some random photos from the last few days./

Eergisteren werd m'n broer 18 en gisteren gaf hij een feestje, dus ik kon niet posten. (sorry!)
Hier zijn wat willekeurige foto's van de afgelopen dagen.

1: blouse: H&M, bag: Primark, pendant: market, jeans: Dept
2: flowers
3: playing on my double bass
4: new crackle nail polish (Essence) + pink nail polish (Alessandro)
5: blazer: H&M

Ps. I have been getting a lot of questions about the tattoo in the last post. And I must confess it's a fake one. ;) (it's an airbrush tattoo)

Stormy weather

Thursday, 16 June 2011

This awful weather makes me wish the sun will shine like in these photos again.

Blouse: Topshop
Shorts: Casanova
Wedges: Topshop
Sunglasses: market
Bracelets: H&M, Six

Welcome to... Harrods! (part 1)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

(Or should I call it heaven? Because I think heaven looks like this. ;)

Also did some purchases there:
-Ladurée macaroons
-Red velvet cupcake
-Kurt Geiger shoes
-Harrods bag

A guard told me that I wasn't alloud to take photos of the Louboutins.  I did it anyway.
I mean, who can resists it?

Weird blogger

Monday, 13 June 2011

What is wrong with blogger?
4 people said that they were following me. But they're not on the list.
Is there anybody who knows how this is possible?

And I'm taking part in a give-away. You should really check it out! The prize is a great biker jacket. (the link is beneath the picture)/

Wat is er mis met blogger?
4 mensen zeiden dat ze me volgden. Maar ze staan niet op de lijst.
Weet iemand hoe dit kan?

En ik doe mee aan een give-away. Je moet echt eens kijken! De prijs is een super biker jacket. (de link staat onder het plaatje)



Yesterday my friend and I went out to take some photos.
Just a comfortable outfit on a lazy sunday.
I really love my new boots! They're already my favorite. :)/

Gisteren ging ik met m'n vriendin wat foto's maken.
Gewoon een comfortabele outfit op een luie zondag.
En ik ben echt verliefd op mijn nieuwe laarsjes! Ze zijn nu al favoriet. :)

Cropped shirt: H&M
Jeans: DEPT
Shoes: Sasha
Earrings: Six
Rings: Six and H&M
Bracelets: H&M, Pieces and unknown
Bag: Primark

And WOW, today I got 212 pageviews! I'm so happy with you guys. :D 


Saturday, 11 June 2011

Today my mum and I did a little shopping. Actually we went into town to buy some school stuff for next year, but I also came home with these beauties!/

Vandaag gingen m'n moeder en ik wat winkelen. Eigenlijk gingen we de stad in om school spullen te kopen voor volgend jaar, maar ik kwam ook thuis met deze beauties!

New ring: Six
New earrings: Six
Blazer (not new): Queens Wardrobe
Lipstick (not new): Lancome

New look-a-like Acné Pistol boots: Sasha
(I know, they are stunning! ;)
New earrings: Six
shot on (new) Elle UK.

Favorite collar.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

I think i've got a new record. 57 62 64 (the number is still growing. Jihoe!) pageviews today.
It may seem nothing for you, but i think it's great! ;)
So why don't we celebrate it? Put on your favorite CD, turn up the volume and make your craziest dance around in your living room. Come on! I'm doing the same right now. So there's no need to be ashamed. ;)/

sorry dat ik het weer niet vertaal.. Maar ik heb er gewoon echt even geen zin in. Haha.

Dress: SistersPoint
Skirt: H&M
Shoes: Sasha
Bracelets: Six and unknown
Watch: Hiphop

More of this outfit coming soon.

I'm bored.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

And you can't find me on Chictopia any longer.
Top: Topshop
Lipstick: Chanel Rouge Coco