Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Little black (winter) dress

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

"One is never overdressed or underdressed with a Little Black Dress."- Karl Lagerfeld

Found the perfect little black winter dress at Oasap.

Instagram diary

Saturday, 27 December 2014

I hope you all had the best christmas! I sure did, i spent the days with the people i love, ate amazing food, and got the best presents (which i will show you later)!

Lunch at Walhalla, Rotterdam // Fien at Walhalla
First selfie on Instagram (wow!) with my own silk screen print // Amsterdam

Blue and pink tassels

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Normally i run away -fast- when seeing this kind of blue and pink together, but with this jumper i simply love it. Maybe it's a case of 'so ugly that it's beautiful again'?

December wishlist

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Having your birthday and christmas in one month makes it okay to create a big wishlist, right?

New coat

Monday, 15 December 2014

Sorry for the loooong silence here, truth is i've been very busy! I will not bore you with all my activities but i can tell you that the presentation for the fashion department of school went extremely well (last year i did admission for fashion photography where i didn't get accepted, so i decided to go to the preparatory year. A month ago i decided to switch my focus to fashion & textile), and my birthday on tuesday was a lot of fun. This weekend i also went to a vintage kilo sale where i bought this beau-ti-ful coat!

My editorial in Unhemmed Magazine

Friday, 5 December 2014

Woehoee, i have some very exciting news! Remember i showed you this post with behind the scenes photos? Well the editorial we shot there is finally online, in the new issue of Unhemmed Magazine. It's my first published (photography + styling) work ever so i'm extremely excited about it, and it's even going to be released on print! You can check the issue out here: Unhemmed Magazine Issue 3. I promise you you won't be disappointed, there are some amazing interviews with Robert Geller for instance, and pieces about upcoming artists. Go go go!
Ps. The editorial i photographed + styled is called 'Dutch girl'.

Amsterdam snapshots

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Next week is the presentation day at my school which means i have a lot to do! Luckily i still have some photos from last week to share.
What are you up to this week?