It feels very strange to type this. A goodbye from my blog. This website has been a big part of my life for 4,5 years, and after today it's ending. I have double feelings about stopping, but i know it's the right thing to do. As you've probably noticed i've been really busy lately, and it's hard for me to keep my blog up to date. The ones who know me well are familiar with the fact that i like to do things perfectly, or simply not at all. Which means blogging didn't make me happy lately. It felt more like an obligation than fun, which is not the purpose of course.
The reason why i started blogging in the first place was to share my passion about photography, fashion and art. The people in my hometown didn't understand my 'weird' clothes, so i wanted to find some people who did like it and supported it. And it did me so much good! All the reactions i got, YOU, made me really really happy, and gave me way more confidence! To be honest i don't think i would do my fashion design BA interview next week if my blog wouldn't have existed. If you wouldn't have been there. I never regretted starting my blog, and am truly grateful for all the amazing opportunities i got because of it, and all the wonderful people i've met. But i feel like it has to come to an end now. A happy one!
I honestly wish you all the best, and joy with blogging. Never forget to have fun! It's the most important thing there is. BIG KISS TO YOU ALL!
The hague hotspots
Thursday, 2 April 2015
The Hague is a beautiful city, with a lot of hidden treasures. When my brother came here for the first time, his reaction was "it's a bit boring". To show you that it's absolutely not boring, i decided to make a hotspot list! The Hague is one of those towns where you have to look better for nice places, unlike Amsterdam or Utrecht. Divided into a few categories i would like to show you my favorite spots. And if you'd like to know more, feel free to send me an email!