Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Frost meshing

Saturday, 27 April 2013

You should take a look at the videos from Matthias Müller. They're kinda weird but really inspiring!

There is more than one of everything

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I'm going to a concert of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros this summer with Cherelle (yes, from the blog lacherelle), Aelwyn and some other girls and aaaah i just can't wait. My friend Lauren will also be there and it's going to be one big party! Thanks Cherelle for ordering the tickets while i was at school!

Shirt: River Island Men
Jeans: Only (via Sans-Online)
Shoes: Nelly
Bag: vintage
Bracelets: H&M, River Island, Six

Photo diary

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

1) a friend at a seventies party, looking awesome or what? 2) almost finished sewing some trousers
3) dear friends 4) at the seventies party
5) dream catcherssss 6) sorted my clothes on colour, my life is so simple sometimes
7) addicted to editing with this stupid app haha 8) 'stroopwafel'
9) currently favorite shades 10) wearing the pretty Oasap dress
11) cat Muts 12) SPRING, finally

I'd rather be at Coachella

Sunday, 14 April 2013

I'm in the middle of my testweek, so it's busy busy busy. Luckily the weather is getting slightly better, so at least there's one positive thing during these long days of studying!

Blouse: H&M Trend
Wedges: Topshop

Black & metallic

Friday, 12 April 2013

Do you remember i won a year of free shoes at Nelly? 12 pairs of shoes and 14 months later it has come to an end now. No more free shoes, no more free clothes (i was also able to get clothes the last 3 months). I think i'll get some withdrawal symptoms from not looking on nelly.com every other day anymore, but my closet certainly is happy with the fact that it's over! There isn't an inch storage room left and not a corner of my floor unfilled.

This is the best prize (by far) i've ever won and i want to thank Nelly for this amazing capture! Although the customer service wasn't always great, the shoes were amazing every time!

Nelly metallic loafers and the latest Elle
Vagabond brogues

Disposable camera

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

My friends are so sweet :)

1) with the sweetest exchange student from Belgium
2) love these guys
4) wonderful new year's eve party at Leonie
5) yummy chickita Lauren

Flower dress

Sunday, 7 April 2013

While looking at oasap i realized i didn't own a floral dress yet, so when i saw this pretty one it ended up in my shopping bag. And although it's a bit shorter than i expected, i'm totally happy with it! It can be combined in a lot of different ways, so i'm sure you'll see me wearing it again soon!

And and and, friday Alinde and i decided to go to a concert of Soul sister dance revolution (i told you about them in my last post) and Palio superspeed donkey and it was sooo much fun. The room was almost empty so we had the whole floor to dance and go crazy. Soul sister played first and they were so much fun! When Palio went on stage we were a bit late because Alinde wanted to smoke first. We were walking into the room again and the keyboardist of Soul sister gave us a high-five and we danced together with the band members. The performances were great, and it was a perfect night! How amazing impulsive actions can be!

Dress: Oasap
Ring: H&M
Shoes: Nelly 

Little playlist

Thursday, 4 April 2013

A lot of you have been asking me which kind of music i listen.
To be honest, there is a lot of music i like (i'm probably not the only one with a blended music taste)! But to give you a little insight in my playlist, i will share my favorites with you. Even though it will probably be different next week haha. (You should not mind my music-labeling too much, since i'm pretty bad at that. You better just listen to the songs ;)

R U Mine - Arctic Monkeys
You probably all know Arctic Monkeys (and if not, go hit yourself with a chair or something), so there's no need telling you this English rock band is awesome. And when i'm listening to this song i just can't help myself, my arms and legs are all over the place haha.

Oceans - Coasts
My love for this indie song is huge. I've already listened it a thousand times and it's still so beautiful. Can't wait for the summer to arrive; than i'll dance between the flowers, hear Oceans and be extremely happy!

Hold the Line - Soul Sister Dance Revolution
These Dutchies definitely deserve some attention on the blog. I don't know which genre this is, but it's catchy and cheerful and yes. Me gusta.

A-Kasseblues - Movits!
Aaargh, why did i miss Movits! on Lowlands last year? This Swedish band is amazing. Their music is great for all sorts of occasions, and A-Kasseblues is perfect while laying on your couch, doing nothing. Peaceful and lively.

Frustrations frustrations

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Shitty blogger. Everything is going wrong again. Hopefully it will work tomorrow!
Just lost the whole post and asdlfijsoadfjiosfjdsfmfalmv. I'll just go to sleep.


Monday, 1 April 2013

This easter wasn't really special, nor boring. Sunday i cooked a lot and almost finished sewing my trousers. Furthermore i studied for the upcoming testweek, and today i went out to take some photos. Unfortunately a lot of them were over-exposed because of the sun (Finally there is sun and now i am complaining? Oh well, there always has to be something to moan about i guess.), but i managed to save a few.
How did you spend your days?

Blouse: Saint Tropez (via Nelly)
Jeans: Only (via Sans-Online)
Shoes: Nelly
Bracelet: Cooee Design