Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Flower dress

Sunday, 7 April 2013

While looking at oasap i realized i didn't own a floral dress yet, so when i saw this pretty one it ended up in my shopping bag. And although it's a bit shorter than i expected, i'm totally happy with it! It can be combined in a lot of different ways, so i'm sure you'll see me wearing it again soon!

And and and, friday Alinde and i decided to go to a concert of Soul sister dance revolution (i told you about them in my last post) and Palio superspeed donkey and it was sooo much fun. The room was almost empty so we had the whole floor to dance and go crazy. Soul sister played first and they were so much fun! When Palio went on stage we were a bit late because Alinde wanted to smoke first. We were walking into the room again and the keyboardist of Soul sister gave us a high-five and we danced together with the band members. The performances were great, and it was a perfect night! How amazing impulsive actions can be!

Dress: Oasap
Ring: H&M
Shoes: Nelly 

Manon Margaretha said...

Oooh echt een leuk jurkje !
En klinkt als een leuke avond c:

Einfach moi said...

love the flowers in your dress!

Unknown said...

Oh dit is echt wel een heel leuk jurkje!

Liefs, leen

Marloes said...

Mooi jurkje, staat je goed! x

Anonymous said...

Super mooie jurk! En leuk dat je zo'n gave avond heb gehad!

Anonymous said...

Cute photos! :) That dress looks really great and love your boots..Wow.

Indie by heart

Wies said...

Wauw, je jurkje en je schoenen zijn allebei zó perfect!

Isa Eileen said...

Wauw die schoenen, de jurk staat je erg goed! Liefs

idontjustexistilive said...

Mooi! echt een leuk jurkje


Kendra Alexandra said...

Love your outfit, the florals really suit you :)
Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin'??



Kendra Alexandra said...

Love your outfit, the florals really suit you :)
Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin'??



fran said...

you're great baby


Dreamer Anete said...

Awww so stunning!
Adorable dress! <3

Ruby And Siel said...

Chique outfit! <3
En wow je had nog geen bloemenkleedje? Dan was je vast een van de weinige meisjes zonder! :D

Unknown said...

Super leuk jurkje!

Chantal | Blamethefireworks said...

Wauw wat een leuke outfit!


Chris said...

Heel leuk jurkjee, en tof dat je naar t concert geweest bent! xx

Siska de Roos said...

Heel leuk jurkje! Die zou ik zo aan doen! en die hakken in je vorige post! waauw verliefd!!

liefs siska !

Anita - Fashion Attacks said...

Mooi jurkje! Staat je leuk :) X

Lini Trinh said...

Das Kleid sieht echt schön aus. Ich freue mich schon auf Frühling :)

Žaneta said...

Beautiful dress!!!


Gaby de Modacapital said...

You look amazing, love your dress! :)

Ruth Lalliankimi said...

What a beautiful dress. Love how the ring really adds a pretty pastel/neon touch to it :D

Ruth x
