Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue


Thursday, 29 March 2012

I received these trousers a week ago, and yesterday i finally had the chance to wear them. First i was doubting to send them back and keep the other floral trousers from h&m, but i decided to keep them both. I know it's not very wise since my wallet is getting kinda empty and i'm going to amsterdam in may with my sisters... But yeah, i just loved them both and couldn't decide.

And what do you think about this photo-size? Better?

Blazer: Steps
Trousers: H&M
Loafers: Primark
Sunglasses: Primark

And for the ones who are wondering, no, this is not where i live. ;)

Purchases Dubai

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

I realized i hadn't showed you my purchases from Dubai yet. So here they are, with a bit of a delay! And i know it isn't as much as i usually buy, but these items where a bit more expensive than normally. :)
(and trust me, the earrings are looking mĂșch better in real life)

Asymmetric skirt: Zara
Blue blouse: Next
Nail polishes: Alessandro, Kinetics
White top: Forever 21
Aztec legging: River Island
Earrings: unknown
Magazines: iD, Elle UK

Yes, another post about the dutch vogue

Sunday, 25 March 2012

I know there has been a lot to do about the first issue of dutch vogue, but despite the cover (which is a bit disappointing in my opinion), it's an amazing magazine! I guess i'll always like elle more, but that's just because it feels more 'real' to me. It's a bit more down to earth and more high-street. But that doesn't mean vogue isn't a beautiful magazine! And with the nice weather from friday, it was even better. 


Friday, 23 March 2012

Blouse: H&M Trend
Shoes: Topshop
Ring: Zipper
Nailpolish: Alessandro

Change of plans.

Monday, 19 March 2012

I want to change my blog. I would like to post more outfits, and less nonsense. I'm thinking about 1 'normal' post, and after that 1 outfit post. It's not that i don't like my blog now (1 outfit every 1,5 week), but i just think it could be better. What do you think? More outfit posts, or do you prefer my blog like it is now?
And yes, i know i said this before, that i want to post more outfits. But this time i reallyreallyreally mean it. ;)
And do you have some tips for my facebook page? What can i do better? Cause i feel like nobody reads it. Haha.
So i would like to say it again folks, to read/see/get more updates, like my facebook-page!

Coppa caramello

Saturday, 17 March 2012

I felt like this blog was getting some sort of vacation blog, so that's why i'm not posting about my holiday now. You can still expect 3 or 4 posts later, but first there will be some different posts.
The weather was so nice yesterday! So my mum and i went out and ate a delicious icecream. I also bought Vogue paris collections, and got Wonderland for free! They wanted to toss it away, so they woman asked if i would like to have it. Yes please!


Thursday, 15 March 2012

Awesome camel. :D 
He's totally up-to-date with his colour-blocking plaid (well, ok, a bit last season). Ghehe.
Dress: Monki
Shoes: Primark
Sunglasses: Primark
Belt: Pieces
Bag: New Yorker

Sun, sand, sea

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I don't know i've you can really call this an outfit post, since i'm not not even wearing shoes. But whatever. ;)
As you can see, i need to get back to dubai immediately. I'm sooo pale!

Green top: Hema
Gilet: secondhand h&m
Shorts: Primark
Sunglasses: Primark

Dubai- random.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sorry for not updating yesterday, but i had to work all day (my first day at my new job!) and after that i had a party, which was a lot of fun. A friend slept at my place and we woke up very late... But anyway, here is a new post. Just some random photos from dubai.

On the last day we went to this amazing water-park, called Atlantis.
They had like a zillion different slides. So cool. :D

Flowers on my head

Thursday, 8 March 2012

I know this has got nothing to do with dubai or this post, but i just wanted to tell i got my hands on a marni x h&m item, as you could already read on my facebook page! Well, actually my stepfather got his hands on it. Because i had to go to school i asked him to try it. I made a whole how-to-order-at-h&m-list because he is kind of a dummy when it comes to computers. Haha. He has been waiting to get through the crowd at the site for 2 hours. How sweet. :) And they still had the item i wanted the most; the blue blazer! I never expected my stepdad would get through, and not at all that they would still have the blazer in my size. It will arrive next week and aaaa, i'm so happy!
And about this post: an outfit from dubai! And i don't know what to say beside that. ;)

Shorts: vintage Levi's
Sandals: Sasha
Headband: River Island
Sunglasses: Primark
Bracelets: Six, second hand
Bag: River Island

Day 3

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

On day 3 we went to the old part of Dubai. It was a beautiful contrast with all the new buildings that you see everywhere. The stores are packed till the ceiling and the sellers are a bit annoying, but really, you must see this when you're in Dubai. And we found this amazing fabric shop... They had so many colorful fabrics, i wish i'd bought more than 2 different ones.

1) amazing fabric shop
2) shops
3) herbs and spices 

Coming home

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Apparently my automatic posts didn't really work... But anyway, i'm back from Dubai! I came home yesterday, totally exhausted.
I had the best time! The weather was great, the buildings were wonderful and the culture was just beautiful. And the most important thing: i had a lot of fun! A vacation with your friend is just the best you can have. :)
You can expect random photos, outfit posts and highlights from Dubai. Hope you will enjoy it!

Here's my outfit from the first day. I know the colours are a bit weird, but i can't get them any better...

Dress: H&M
Loafers: Primark
Bag: New Yorker
Bracelets: Six, my grandmas gallery