Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Day 3

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

On day 3 we went to the old part of Dubai. It was a beautiful contrast with all the new buildings that you see everywhere. The stores are packed till the ceiling and the sellers are a bit annoying, but really, you must see this when you're in Dubai. And we found this amazing fabric shop... They had so many colorful fabrics, i wish i'd bought more than 2 different ones.

1) amazing fabric shop
2) shops
3) herbs and spices 
Charlie said...

Supermooie foto's!
Liefs, Charlie

Viv said...

great photos!


Ewka Wojewodzic said...

Oh my... There's so many colours on the first picture. Adorable.

Manon Margaretha said...

Dankjewel !
Dat winkeltje met al die stoffen, wow !

ravenamaru said...

I would flip a shit in that fabric store. I wish that was my personal studio =P

new DIY!

Esmay said...

Prachtige foto's !

Esmée said...

Hele mooie foto's!

Fashiable | Nanne said...

Al die stofjes! Aantrekkelijk haha!


LINDA said...

Great post!

Linda from www.moonon.com

You became to wonder said...

Looks amazing :)

LaurenSchoon said...

Awesome photos!!

Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

SO amazing. x hivenn

Yeux De Princesses said...

amazingggg! x Marie

V said...

How fun!!! Fantastic first photo!


Ruby And Siel said...

Doet me denken aan India (niet dat ik daar al geweest ben maar alleja :D)

Anouk Océanne said...

ik ben inderdaad in londen voor mn studie :)

Natalie said...

lvely pictures, and such a different side of this country than u usually see.

I love it, it is so authentic.

xxx from paris,

Swaen said...

Heerlijk! Wat een stoffenwinkel!
Liefs, Swaen

Anonymous said...

Heel leuk!

Lisanne said...

super leuke foto's! ziet er ook leuk uit in dubai. ben benieuwd naar de andere dagen

liefs, lisanne
ps. ik verloot een supertrash jurkje op mijn blog!

Anonymous said...

Supermooie foto's! :)