Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Dubai- random.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Sorry for not updating yesterday, but i had to work all day (my first day at my new job!) and after that i had a party, which was a lot of fun. A friend slept at my place and we woke up very late... But anyway, here is a new post. Just some random photos from dubai.

On the last day we went to this amazing water-park, called Atlantis.
They had like a zillion different slides. So cool. :D
Amy said...

Ziet er heerlijk uit!!!

c said...

hele leuke foto's! volgens mij is dubai zo gaaf!


Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...


Fashiable | Nanne said...

Dubai lijkt me echt zo'n mooi land!


Judith | Juudithhome said...

wauw, wat een heerlijk land! XO

Esmay said...

Je maakt me jaloers :(

Jan said...

Leuke foto's natuurlijk weer!
Wow ik schrok eventjes, dacht even te lezen dat je naar Dubai was verhuisd haha!
Die foto met dat meisje is leuk trouwens, jullie zien er beiden erg leuk uit!

Nikki said...

wauw, mooie foto's!
en leuke blog :)



Roos. said...

Zo jaloers D:

Charlie said...

Ziet er echt fantastisch uit!
Heerlijk dat zonnige weer.
Liefs, Charlie

Unknown said...

Awh jaloersss, ziet er echt heerlijk uit!

En thanks voor je comment!

Liefs http://rimocean.blogspot.com/

Fashiontornado said...

Mooie foto's, ziet er ontzettend mooi en heeeeerlijk uit! Ik ben jaloers :)

Sarah said...

this outfit is lovely...such a pretty hairband!


Naina said...

Ahh so beautiful! And I love the flowers in your hair, such a cute accent.


Style Realist said...

Cute shorts and super jealous of your vacay..


lisanne said...

OMGGG! Lovely pictures.

K A T H L E E N said...

these are such awesome photos!

T-Shirt and Tails said...

Great blog! Hope you're having fun in Dubai.

T-Shirt and Tails x


You became to wonder said...

Jaloers :)

Unknown said...

Wooow the Atlantis looks magical and FUN !!! ..hey could you please take off the word verification..is a pain in the ass :/ trust me.

mphretz said...

So you went to Atlantis.. It looked amazing!!
