Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Don't believe everything you think

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Unfortunately a lot of these photos were way to light... And since i haven't got photoshop or anything like that, you'll just have to do it with this! :)
This is an automatic post, i'm currently enjoying my holidays in italy! 

Jacket: Bershka
Skirt: h&m
Tights: unknown
Shoes: Sasha
Bag: won at a give-away
Bracelets: Bershka, River Island, ebay
Esmay said...

Dat spijkerjasje wil ik hebben! :D

Veere said...

Beautiful outfit, looks good on you!

Eva said...

Super leuke armbandjes!!

xxx Fashionity.nl

Join the giveaway

Justina said...

I know I comment on your pictures a LOT and say basically the same thing but I LOVE your outfits seriously so much, and you are SO pretty. That's all :)


Puck said...

leuk leuk leuk! <3 xxx

fran said...

its a beautiful outfit girl!
kisses from spain


Sophie (www.myveryownlookbook.com) said...

gave armbandjes!


Anonymous said...

lovely outfit! i love the bracelets!:)

Raquel T.G. said...

The bag is amazing!! you're lucky :):)

Unknown said...

Love your outfit

Je ziet er echt super leuk uit ! :)

Ik kwam toevallig op je blog en ben direct verslaafd dus ik volg je nu gewoon !:)

Kom gerust een keer langs als je tijd heb :)



Remkje said...

Leuke outfit! Vind vooral de panty leuk, net even anders. :)

Imke said...

Echt een leuke outfit! Veel plezier op vakantie!

Xo, Imke

Enara Girl said...

You are great.
I like you smiling.

Flo said...

Mooie outfit! Ik ben echt fan van je tas :) xx

Linlicious-style.nl said...

leuk jasje!

Doe mee met mijn GIVE AWAY
En win een mooi T-shirt van Wulterkensclothing.com


yiqin; said...

LOVE the jacket <3

Unknown said...

Leuke outfit!Bedankt voor de reactie op mijn blog!X

Manon Margaretha said...

Dankje !
Wat een leuke tas !

DORIS said...

I really like that outfit, especially the jeans jacket!

Caro * said...

Fabulous style !! Love your shoes and your bag ;)

clairelemon said...

i'm in love with your hair- is it natural, or do you do something to it to get it so flouncy?