Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue


Thursday, 24 May 2012

You may remember that i told you i'd go to a fashion-designer in Amsterdam. Well, her name is Els Petit, and her label is called Elsewerk. I asked if i could come to her to see how it really is to be a fashion-designer. And  i've got a really good picture of it now! It's actually kinda different than i thought, it isn't like you're only designing some collections and bringing it to the stores. There is so much more work!
These photos were made in her atelier. Although she thought it was incredibly messy, i thought it was incredibly inspiring! I would love to have a place like that! :)
It was amazing to get a peek in 'her life as a designer', and she was so nice and sweet! I would really like to thank her for the opportunity!
You can see/buy her collection here (click).

Esmay said...

Wat gaaf :D

Manon Margaretha said...

Wat super vet dat je daar gewoon mocht komen kijken ! Haar collectie ziet er trouwens ook erg leuk uit !

The Foolish Aesthete said...

That's great she let you see her work space and how things are in the process of creation!


Jan said...

Ziet er leuk uit,
gaaf om mee te mogen maken zeg (:

Giovanna said...

Great photos! Sounds like such a cool day!


Mihaela said...

Great post! I love it.

new in - oasap♥mfashionfreak

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog <3

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Echt heel vet!

c said...



Sweetnothing said...

Amazing! I love these photos

PSbyDila said...

Erg leuk!
