Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Amsterdam outfit #2

Monday, 21 May 2012

I just bought the jeans before i made these photos. It's my first one from Cheap Monday, but i can tell you, there'll be more! They are just perfect, the fit is so nice!
(and some of you might have noticed i deleted my facebook page, and if you didn't, well you know it now. I want to thank all of you who gave these sweet comments! :)

Blouse: Next
Jeans: Cheap Monday
Loafers: Primark
Bracelets: Bershka, River Island, market

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Ziet er leuk uit! Broek is erg mooi!

Manon Margaretha said...

Die broek zit inderdaad erg mooi ! Ik hoor de laatste tijd wel meer goede dingen over cheap monday, misschien moet ik ze ook eens passen !

Puck said...

staat je goed! xxxx

Unknown said...

Leuke outfit Eline !
Bedankt voor de reactie!X

JANICE G said...

cheap monday is great!

thank you for visiting my blog and left me a comment!! :)

the STYLE Fringe BLOG

Chantal | Blamethefireworks said...

Leuke outfit en leuke blog!


Fashiontornado said...

Leuke outfit, je sieraden zijn erg leuk!

Jan said...

Die broek staat je goed!
&Mooie blouse (:

Indrah said...

Nice arm candy!

Esmée said...

Mooie broek zeg!

Clara Turbay said...

It is fantastic to visit a site like this full of good ideas.

Yeux De Princesses said...

Mooie blouse!
En zo jammer van je fbpagina, ik wist het nog niet :( xx Marie

Unknown said...

I love the combination of bracelets- so pretty and colorful!! Lovely outfit!

- Roopa http://brightphosphenes.blogspot.com/

Violet E. said...

so cute <3

Gabriela said...

Cheap monday jeans are the best and you rock them. Please check out my blog and follow!
xx gabi

Agata said...

I's my friend who make all those effect on my photos, it's photoshoped but I have no idea how :)

Inge said...

love it. leuke blog ik volg je. xoxo

Alexandra said...

lovely outfit
xx Alexandra


you're look great! =)

Amy said...

die blouse is super mooi!!

Vanessa Ferreira said...

love the outfit! it's perfect! do you like to follow each other?