Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Bombay bicycle club

Saturday, 19 May 2012

So when my sisters and i were in amsterdam, we also went to a concert of bombay bicycle club in 'de melkweg'. And it was a-ma-zing! They are one of my favorite bands, and the warm-up act the darcys (though i didn't know them) was great too! If you don't know them: go check 'm out! It's worth it!
Unfortunately i couldn't bring my SLR-camera to the concert, so the photos are a bit blurry...

1) the darcys
2, 3) bombay bicycle club

fran said...

you love rock,hehe
i hope you like my last outfit...


Marijn said...

Ga ik vanmiddag even luisteren. Ik ben benieuwd! :)
Liefs, xx

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Coole foto's!

Yeux De Princesses said...

Zag er echt leuk uit! Ik zie BBC deze zomer op rock werchter :D

xxx Marie

Diana said...

Lovely pictures.
That band seems pretty cool :)

Esmée said...

Wat leuk! Ik ken ze niet maar ik zal het een keer gaan luisteren :)

Esmay said...

Hey, wat tof!

Remkje said...

Ik ken de band niet, maar concerten zijn altijd leuk! Zal ze eens opzoeken.

En haha ja, ik woon 20 km. van Emmen vandaan ongeveer. :) Ter Apel. Wat grappig om erachter te komen dat iemand die ik volg best dichtbij woont haha

Agata said...

I love gigs like that!

Unknown said...

It sounds amazing! Don't worry about the blurred pics, they give it atmosphere!

Mitha Komala said...

i bet you had lots of fun there in the concert! they seem cool and awesome <3 xx


Olive Tee said...

fuuun!!! I love bombay bicycle club!

Ceciliette said...

i´ve heard some stuff of them..preety cool you got the chance to see them!!!!!


yiqin; said...

looks like a great time <3

Flo said...

Nooit van deze band gehoord, shame on me! Toch maar eens luisteren :)

Flo xxxx

Emmy said...

Wat leeuk! Liefs