Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Short break

Thursday, 4 October 2012

You may have noticed that i abandoned blogger a lot lately. It is just that i'm so busy. That's why i'll stop blogging for one week. I don't know how it's in your country, but in holland you've got different maths levels at school. Right now i'm following the hardest that you can have, but i'm switching to a less difficult one. Of course it will be easier, but for now i need to catch up a whole year + the chapters they're doing now. That means A LOT OF WORK. It won't be done in one week (more like a 3 months) but it won't be necessarily to give up blogging for that long. And i don't want to ;)
But next thursday there will be another post again, and 2 days later i'll fly to Istanbul! Oeeeh, so excited!

These photos are made by sweet friend Janöel (see her on the 3rd photo) at Lowlands.
Aaah, looking at them is bringing back so many good memories.

fran said...

I love you in the thrid pic baby
lots of kisses...fran


Manon Margaretha said...

Wel weer terug komen hoor !
Maar veel succes met alles inhalen,je kunt het !

Cherelle de Graaf said...

Aaaah, Lowlands heimwee! Veel succes met school!! X

Beauty Follower said...

Great pictures, have fun!

Unknown said...

Ah love these kind of photo's,
ziet er echt heel leuk uit, en leuke blog heb je :)


lucia m said...

looks like fun!


blog: www.aroundlucia.com
shop: www.shoplumo.com

S. said...

superleuke zomerse foto's ^^

Jan said...

Zucht, wat was het toch weer geweldig!