Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Welcome to fashion roulette, a blog by Eline Benting from the Netherlands.
'I started blogging in 2010 to share my passion (or should I say, obsession) for fashion with the world. This blog is my creative outlet on daily live, a place where I hope to inspire others with my posts about outfits, photography and lifestyle.
While working for Unhemmed magazine and studying at the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague i'm pretty busy in daily life. I try to capture all of my adventures to share them with you, here, on www.fashion-roulette.com.'

For all of your questions you can send an email to fashion-roulette@hotmail.com

All of these photos are property of Eline Benting unless stated otherwise. Photos cannot be used without express permission.