Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

I've got nothing better to show you at the moment... :p

Dress: H&M
Bag: New Yorker
Watch: Hiphop
Sick by Trend said...




S. said...

leuk jurkje! zo zomers (:

Anonymous said...

that tank top reminds me of prada collection. looove it

Giveaway on my MonsieurM blog. Check it out!

Kelsey said...

Leuk, die tas heb ik ook maar dan in het blauw:)
En ik was op vakantie in Renesse haha, dus idd in Nederland!

Flo. said...

Ah lief jurkje, en schattige foto's!xx

I the Writer said...

I have the same dress and I never thought of wearing it that way. It looks great. Good and creative idea.

Elien | dogsanddresses.com said...

Supermooi jurkje, very Prada-ish!
Ik heb een beetje spijt dat ik het niet heb gekocht, maar het is toch zo'n doorschijnend strandding meer hé? Wel perfect voor het mooie weer van vandaag natuurlijk :)

xo Elien

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Grappig jurkje!

Emma Litton said...

Aww you're so adorable! I love your bag.


E said...

Loveee all that green in your outfit!


Amalie said...

Aww that is such a cute outfit!
You look adorable in the pictures (:



evy said...

very cute!!

Pieter said...

Leuke outfit!
Dat kleedje past echt heel erg goed samen met de tas :D x


joyce said...

echt dat jurkje is zoo leuk !

Anonymous said...

amazing dress!!

helena said...

Love je satchel en jurk!
Past precies bij elkaar haha :D
Super niceeee x

Maryse said...

Je ziet er super leuk uit in dat jurkje, echt heel mooi! <3

Katie said...

What a fun print!

mari said...

although i loathe bananas, i truly lovelovelove your dress!

xx // themerrimari.blogspot.com

Alicia said...

Heel leuk kleedje & ik ben ❤ op je tas!! Liefs

vivalablonda said...

Greaaaat outfit, love your dress and bag! Perfect.


Ria said...

Great banana print.

thefashionguitar said...

LOVE your dress!! Very Prada!

Lini Trinh said...

you are so sweet <3 i like the bag so much ^^

Kel said...

Lol love love your satchel!

So have to get one now after seeing so many people sport it so beautifully.

Lots of love from Sydney,

x Kel

playing an impostor

Jennie from the Blog said...

die tas is zo leuk!!

Brittany said...

I want everything you're wearing! That dress is so fun and perfectly paired with that sweet bag!


Marie said...

Haha, echt een lief kleedje! ♥