Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

These things are just so good, you know.

Friday, 12 August 2011

Yummy Frozz.
Haha, this was my breakfast last monday; yogurt with fresh fruit and a black bottom cupcake.
Really, if you like cupcakes, pies and muffins, you just must visit 'de drie graefjes' in Amsterdam.
They have the best.

fotofacefashions -fff. said...

for fashion lovers ;
love the blogg!
please comment and follow!
thanks xx

amy b.s. said...

all i can say is yum!

Jardin de la Mode said...

Oe die laatste muffin ziet er hemels uit (haha zeker als je Ramadan hebt ;-) ♥

Celia Aranda said...

Yummy :D I love these pictures!


Jessica said...

oh damnnn dat ziet er goddelijk uit hahaha

Morgane-Amandine said...

If you have an Iphone try Pixlromatic for the pics.
Crazy app'

Thanks for coming on my blog :)

Carlota | Carlotaslittleblog said...

OMG! Dat ziet er allemaal zoooooo lekker uit!! Ik heb super veel zin in zo'n frozen yoghurt nu :) En die cupcake ook wel! Ik ga normaal gezien altijd naar 'Taart van mijn tante' in A'dam maar dit moet ik precies volgende keer ook eens uittesten! Het is in ieder geval genoteerd - njam njam :D
Carlota's little blog

Lisette Pool - 24/7 STYLISH said...

wow ik ben zo jaloers dat ziet er heerlijk uit!!

♥ Lots of love, Lisette ♥

Sophia Molen said...

aaaah frozzzz! mijn verslaving!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ziet er heerlijk uit.

Sofie said...

looks yummy! ;) ♥

IngridKatrine said...

Great photos. Yoghurt and blueberries,so healthy and yummy!

Sanzibell said...

yummy its looks soooo good :)


Charlotte said...

vetlekker allemaal!

Mariana Glez said...

Que rico O__O.

lizchewy said...

I am obsessed with frozen yoghurt!! so yummy!!

Thanks for sharing these lovely photos!!



Anemsi said...

I'm hungry when I look at this photo ;o

Petra said...


Delany said...

Dit ziet er heerlijk uit zeg!

fashion-ache girls said...


thanks for your comment. it makes me happy:)
let' s follow us if u like our blog:)
have a nice day:)

xx k&m

Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

That muffin looks LUSH. x hivenn

Veere said...

Oh wauw, het ziet er allemaal heel lekker uit, voor die cupcake jam!

Maryse said...

Wauw, heel erg leuk en lekekr ;)

Kimberly said...

Hey !
OMG ! That frozen yogurt looks so delicious and that cupcake with those giant chocolate drops, I won't even start :)

Marie said...


K A T H L E E N said...

omg this looks soo good!

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Ik wil ooooook een hapje, nomnom!

RA said...

awww!!! so yummy <3

Lidiya said...

So yummy, delicious :)

Katie said...

Mmmm I want this in my belly, looks so amazingly good! xo

Valerie said...

oh my goodness i want to eat all those goodies right now!!

Manon Margaretha said...

Dankjewel !
Spontane trek hierzo (:

Fashiable | Nanne said...

Oh dat ziet er héérlijk uit! Vooral de muffin...ik ga zo maar eens ontbijten haha ik krijg honger


Andrea Antoniou said...

ohh wooowww, everything looks soo yummyyyyy, need to go have some brownies now because of this post haha xxxxxxx

Down This Road said...

ohh yum YUMM!! i want it all now ;) xx


Anonymous said...

ohh looks so yummy x


Honestly! my kind of ice cream totally :)


Oh my god... it looks delicious ! :(

Plami said...

These look so delicious!!!

I am so excited to be hosting my first giveaway! Check it out here: http://fashion-thrill.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-first-giveaway.html



Your Lifestyle Guide said...

Oooo wow, ik krijg echt mega trek van deze post!

galatea. said...

mmmm looks super good!

glad to have found your blog x