Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Zeeland and other things.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Noooooooo, i have to go back to school tomorrow! I'm just really nót looking forward to it. Homework, tests, boring lessons... One good thing about this school year; i have chosen my own subjects, so the things i hate the most (like french) aren't on my schedule anymore.
Before i'm heading for the school benches again, i want to show you some things i did this vacation.

1: doing things with friends. (this photo is with dönja, who shoots some outfit-posts sometimes.)
2: sea at Zeeland
3: working reaaaaly hard. (i worked 2 weeks at school this vacation)
4: a yummy icecream at Zeeland
Esther said...

leuke fotoooos :)

Mihaela said...

school tomorrow :S i WANT VACATIONS!

if you're not already following me you could if you want to and i'll follow you back if i'm not following you already

my blog♥mfashionfreak

Unknown said...

Leuke post!

lise said...

ik heb nog drie weken vakantie hehe ^^ leve België

leuke foto's!

Anonymous said...

toffe foto's
en zo te zien was je vakantie geslaagd (:
Liefs x

Flo. said...

Haha leuke foto's! Wat voor werk doe je? xxx

Swaen said...

fun fun fun! school gaat wel goed komen joh, het is maar 25 schoolweken ongeveer en dan is het weer zomervakantie!
Liefs, Swaen

Marie said...

Super leuke foto's! Nog veel 'plezier' op school!

Anonymous said...

funny ;))


Remkje said...

Hahaha die foto met die stoelen is echt geweldig! En die laatste foto is helemaal niet raar.. Leuke foto toch? :p

Ik moet vanaf morgen ook alweer naar school, yuck!

RA said...

aww. thank yuo dear :)
you know, this photo where you're weraring hats is SO GORGEOUS!

Violet E. said...


mirjam schuurkamp said...

Ik vind je eerste foto erg gaaf!
super leuk

New outfitpost -

Gosia said...

The first photo is great!

Anonymous said...

hahaha, leuke foto's !
ook leuke blog ♥ elkaar volgen?

Ellemieke said...

Leukleuk (:
Liefs, Kiek.

Isabel, Wake up & smell the azahar said...

Until 2 weeks until I start classes again, but I couldn't want it less.

Anonymous said...

Lol life's full of so many things less fun that hanging out with friends and eating awesome ice cream!

All the best!

Lots of love from Sydney,

x Kel

leather shorts and blue houses

Charlie said...

Leuke foto's! Lekker gezellige ook!
Liefs, Charlie

Meena Dhuga said...

cool post! :)


Laura said...

funny pictures!!!, I had exams last week, is hard to go back to the routine :(

Manon Margaretha said...

Dankjewel !
Zat je toevallig in port zelande, centerparcs ? haha (:

Lupe said...

Super leuke foto's :)
Lijkt me zeer leuk.
Beginnen jullie morgen pas? Wij zijn al een week bezig --'
Och ja, have fun !

Liefs Lupe,

Sassi said...

amazing pics!

silviasiantar said...

really enjoyed reading your blog!

following you now. keep in touch okay:)



Leuke foto's :)

muse said...

Great photos...xx Muse

Lin said...

Superleuke foto's ♥ Ik snap je volkomen, ik had ook echt geen zin in school vandaag!

Jan said...

Ah ziet er leuk uit!
Het is altijd fijn om een soort samenvatting te zien van je vakantie,
althans ik word er altijd blij van ^^

MJ said...

So cute- love those floppy hats!
