Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

You took something perfect and painted it red

Friday, 28 October 2011

Since this autumn i'm wearing a lot of red. Dark red, burgundy, wine red; what ever you like to call it. I'm just in love with it! :D
(i am even crazy enough to dye my hair in this colour..)

Vest: Only
Trousers: Zara
Boots: Tally Weijl
Bracelets: Six, unknown
And don't forget to join my give-away! (click) I decided that you can still join
for a week longer! :)

Manon Margaretha said...

Ik vind het een super leuke haar kleur !
En die armbanden zijn leuk !

Jessica said...

Geweldige look!
ziet er trouwens ook lekker comfortabel uit gehe

Anonymous said...

Lovely outfit, girl!

Julie ♥

Mindset said...

Aww really like it! This color is amazing!

S. said...

aah gedurfd je haar! ik ga het mijne binnen twee weken ook verven (zoveel schrik ervoor haha stel mij gerust!) en erg leuke cape !

Marloes said...

Mooi vest x

Rachella - flourishingfit.com said...

super mooie broek, en je vest is ook erg leuk x

Yvet said...

ahh dat vestje is leuk!
en je haarkleur is btw mooi gewordenxx

Mihaela said...

You're crazy and i love you!

my blog-follow me♥mfashionfreak

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

De outfit is superleuk! Ik vind je haarkleur zonde!

julia said...

Love the blazer/vest!

Style With K said...

so cool! nice post!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

Wall of Fashion said...

Wow, you look great. I like every aspect of your outfit! :)

xx Marije

fran said...

love the bourdeux colour. is the colour of this autumn.
perfect outfit.


this pants look great on you :)

Petra said...

Oh, waauw!! Je haar is zo mooi!
En supermooie broek, ik wil er ook zo eentje!

Roos' notes | Roos said...

Hele gave outfit! Dankjewel voor je reactie. Nee, daar kun je je niet voor opgeven, ik kreeg laatst een mailtje dat ze me hadden genomineerd.

Jardin de la Mode said...

Wat een leuke outfit zeg! Heel erg mooi ♥

Frank Vinyl said...

this color really does suit you also! love this look dear :)


Laura_Fash said...

Hi dear, I just came across your blog through Ilanka's and what a nice surprise, you've a lovely blog yourself! Following x

rouli said...

amazin cardi!

Ola said...

great hair!


Sofie said...

die broek is zo leuk! ♥

Unknown said...

Heel mooi jasje !!

Jara said...

Super leuk vest!

Kasia Dusinska said...

Nice outfit!
Really great blog.
Follow my blog if you want.


Hilde said...

Mooi vest :')

fashion-ache girls said...

awesome blog;))

xoxo www.fashion-ache.blogspot.com

Monika said...

i like your outfit! and you are so pretty, kisses :)

Tammy said...

i love the burgandy too! can't get enough of it this season, totally my favourite colour :)
love the trousers, i have a similar pair!


Style With K said...

that's great! i love your bracelets!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

aniesbrand said...

I like this blazer;)

I'd like to invate you on my romwe's contest you can win 80$ for shopping in romwe!

Anna said...

answer: oh thank you ! I love your vest !

Anonymous said...

Love all your bracelets!

Leuke blog heb je (:

lets take a journey said...

amazing outfit! :)

Ashley said...

LOVE the burgandy clothing and the whole aztec pattern, looks great ! x

coral. said...

Your vest is amazing. I love this style.

Thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Lovely look
love the vest <3

Theodora C. said...

You look really cute,i love this outfit

If you have time check out and comment or subscribe my blog if you want.
Hope to hear from you soon:x


xoxo Teo

Ruby And Siel said...

Je haarkleur past super bij je outfit :)

Unknown said...

Mooie broek!

Lola`s clothes said...

beautiful outfit!

Unknown said...

Leuke blog he je meis! en mooi outfit,.. Als je het leuk vindt, neem een kijkje op mijn blog

Pepa said...


Maddonne said...

love it !xxxxxx