Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue


Thursday, 26 April 2012

I really wanted to take some outfit photos today, but the weather is horrible lately... So i hope i'll be able to take some tomorrow! Just some random photos for now: pastel nail polish, nelly shoes (which you could already see on my facebook), black bottom cupcake with ice-cream.

Put your heels up said...

I really love these 3 things... The weather is also bad in Paris, hope the real spring will come soon :)

Put your heels up

keepthesecret said...

The weather is so bad too in Lille, it's very sad.. Love your nail polish! ♥

Fashiable | Nanne said...

Oke die schoentjes zijn wel echt te leuk voor woorden!


Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...


fran said...

like the color pastel!!!


Nuha said...

I absolutely love that mint polish! And those cupcakes look delish!

Jerrica said...

Haha I was gonna say your polish looks so yummy then I continued to scroll down and WOW that cupcake looks yummy.


Fashion Nostalgia

Esmay said...

Leuk nagellakje! En die cupcake <3

Nikki said...

Perfect color!

Sisters and Sisters said...

wat een lekker cakje!


Eline | onhighheels.be said...

Mooie foto's!

x Eline - www.onhighheels.be

Unknown said...

Super mooie kleur nagellak

Unknown said...

beautiful nails!!!

Freaky Friday

Freaky Friday Facebook Fan Page

Littlefashiolista said...


Ik ben weer begonnen met bloggen op mijn vernieuwde site (: laat me maar weten wat je ervan vind!

Liefs Jessy

Isabelle said...

Wat een mooie kleur heeft het lakje en wat een schattige schoentjes!


Mihaela said...

pretty nail polish

life is pink♥mfashionfreak

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog <3

Style With K said...

oh those shoes are so cute!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

Sheela said...

great color!!

Anonymous said...

Cute nails ..yumm the cupcake ! ^^

Indie by heart

Sari said...

I love the colors on your nails, beautiful!