Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Last day to enter the give-away!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

This give-away will be closed tomorrow, so join while you still can!

You can win these wonderful shorts from Oasap in a size M (fits like an S) and all you have to do is:

1) follow me with GFC
2) write down your email in a comment

extra entry:
follow my blog with Bloglovin

You can also order the shorts here.
Lieke said...
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Lieke said...
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Geraldine and Charlotte said...


Amy Jane said...

email: amyjane_a@hotmail.com

*Fingers crossed* Het is zo'n leuk broekje :-)! xxx

NaNa said...

Omg those shorts are really cute <3

love from the NANA girls xoxo

TheNewBlack said...

Gorgeous shorts! lauraglade@home.nl
let's hope for the best :-)


Rachella - flourishingfit.com said...

Ik ben bang dat hij niet zal passen, dus gun iemand anders de shorts! Ze zijn wel super leuk, heb je ze zelf ook? Zouden je prachtig staan! vind ze mooi bij jouw style passen:) x

Unknown said...

Ben echt helemaal weg van deze shorts! Hele leuke blog ook, ik volg je nu:)

xx Laura

Hayley Ann said...

lovvveee these, :D

Natalie said...

These are gorgeous! Please enter me! Followed via gfc and bloglovin. My email is ncherrera@hotmail.co.uk x


c said...

die zijn echt super leuk!!



mxvhelle said...

Chanced upon your blog and enjoy reading it!

.sabo skirt. said...

We love this printed shorts. It looks great on you.

Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
SHOP: http://www.saboskirt.com
BLOG: http://www.saboskirt.blogspot.com

Sophie (www.myveryownlookbook.com) said...

Ahh spannend! Ik hoop dat ik win hihi


Mon Joli Paris said...

SOOO cool !! you blog is great :)

Typhaine said...

Everytime I come on your blog after you left me a "reactie" (that's the word for it ? So cute !), I'm thinking "DAMN, this shorts are really cooooool !" HAHA

Imke said...

Aaah, dit is zo spannend! Ik hoop echt op winnen, hehe :)

Xo, Imke

Jan said...

Wow heel erg last minute,
maar I'm in!
Ik volg je natuurlijk al (:
