Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Will and the people

Friday, 7 September 2012

Yesterday i went to a concert of Will and the People, and it was great! I went together with my boyfriend, his parents, sister and her boyfriend. The vibe was just really good; crowd surfing, loads of people on stage, dancing and having fun. I also went on a photo with Will, but it was made with another camera so i can't show you that photo (yet)!
I have to admit i only knew the song 'lion in the morning sun' two days before the concert ;) The day before i checked the album which is nice, but they are waaaay better live!
O, and you must also check the Age of Glass which was the warm-up program. They are amazing! And his sequin jacket was so awesome. I kinda hate the word awesome, but there's just no other way to describe it. It just was! Awesome.

And don't forget to join the give-away!

fran said...

cool moments!!!

i have a new look

Cherelle de Graaf said...

Ah zo leuk he! Vond ze op LL ook heel goed. En boyfriend? Leuuuuk!

Violet E. said...

so cool pics

Unknown said...

Ziet er superchill uit!

Unknown said...

Glad that you had a great time!! ;)


Esther said...

Omg ik ben jaloeeers, wat leuk! :D
Ik vind ze echt geweldig haha ^^