Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Photo diary

Monday, 25 March 2013

Saturday i went to rotterdam again, this time to visit the open day of art academy Willem de Kooning. Before i looked around there i had some advice about my portfolio, and it was nothing but positive! Apparently there's already a good change i'll get accepted based on my portfolio. While there's still 1,5 year to improve it! I'm just so happy about that! I was (actually still am) very uncertain about my work, and not sure if it would be good enough. But the man told me after he saw everything i could get accepted at Lifestyle & Design or Photography, and after looking around at the school exactly these 2 directions have my preference. So i couldn't be more happy!

(What i just told you actually has got nothing to do with these photos haha. But i just wanted to share the good news with you :)

1) New CDs
2, 3) Dinner at 'de Unie'
4) Cacti!
5) Wonderful store in Rotterdam, loads of CDs and LPs
6) Mail from Central Saint Martins! More about this later.
7) Another obsession: pineapples! I actually don't like to eat them. Kinda strange.
 8) Boring lesson with Sofie.

fran said...

lovely post. love your smile


Unknown said...

it seems like a great dinner :)

Lini Trinh said...

you're simply sweet and I really love your hairstyle <3

Manon Margaretha said...

Wat super leuk ! Een vriendin van mij gaat waarschijnlijk ook naar wdk !
Ik wil volgend jaar ook nog gaan kijken denk ik haha !

Rakel said...

nice post!

Wies said...

Wauw, wat tof dat ze enthousiast waren over je portfolio! Een vriendin van mij zit nu in haar eerste jaar op wdk en is ze vindt het echt superleuk, dus dat belooft wat :)

Ruby And Siel said...

Oh wat leuk om te horen! Ik ben benieuwd naar wat voor werk je zoal gemaakt hebt! :) Staan er al ergens foto's op je blog?

Jessica said...

Very nice photos!! :)

The Fashion Heels

Cherelle de Graaf said...

Jij komt er wel!!

Rowan - Rebels maar Romantisch said...

The Smiths. :)

Unknown said...

Oh! Do you want to go to UAL!? I went there, it's a great school :)
