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Can you reach it does it make you wanna walk

Monday, 6 January 2014

Still not completely sure whether wearing these heels with this outfit was a good idea. Well, whatever.

Jumpsuit: vintage (Topshop)
Skirt: Zara
Shoes: Primark

Keys of Anouk said...

Wat een leuke outfit! Ik vind je jumpsuit heel mooi :) xo

Manon Margaretha said...

Ik denk dat als je er een dunnere panty onder doet het al een stuk beter staat met die hakken!
Nu is het contrast tussen het zwart en bruin zo groot haha.

Littlefashiolista said...

Je jumpsuit is echt prachtig! Ongelooflijk mooi <3

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Die rok brengt me op ideeën! Superleuk!

Judith | Juudithhome said...

Hele mooie rok! XO

Charlotte said...

i think the heels look great with this look (can't believe their Primark!)and I love your top, the embroidery is so nice!
- Charlotte


I'm understand now :) I thought that its bracelet from some festival like Splash or Open'er or something ;)

Nice outfit, I like your style

The Fashion Panda said...

Beautiful top, great look sweetie !


Always Maylee said...

Loving this asymmetrical skirt on you, so cute!

xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee

Kat said...

such a beautiful look! your sweater is so lovely! the embroidery is stunning :D


Elisa Zanetti said...

Adorable skirt!
Don't forget to check my latest post and let me know what u think about it!
Nameless Fashion Blog
Nameless Fashion Blog Facebook page

Mademoisellevi said...

Great look sweety

sonia // daring coco said...

This outfit is so cute on you, I like the heels too BTW!


Unknown said...

I really love the top, you look so pretty!


Jane said...

Aw you look very spring-like! Love the colour of your skirt :)

Sam said...

I love this delightful outfit, wonderfully styled.

jennie said...

Ohh I love your skirt, so pretty! <3

Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

tr3ndygirl influencer e fashion blogger said...

Really perfect outfit. So great and so pretty!!!
I posted a new look, I'd love to know your opinion
would you like to pass from my blog?

Unknown said...

Stunning outfit details! Happy New Year!

Love Nilu Yuleena,
BIG hair LOUD mouth BLOG
BIG hair LOUD mouth FACEBOOK page

Sharon (Style-Chameleon) said...

Mooie rok!


Danny said...

so delicate and feminine! love the shoulder detail on that sweater

Unknown said...

Oooh wat een ontzettend leuke outfit! Jij en je stijl zijn zo prachtig!

Julie Khuu | Haute Khuuture said...

Pretty! Like how you wore that skirt with the hem at the sides- brilliant!

Happy New Year hun! Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back for my latest!

Peace. Love. LOL!

Haute Khuuture Blog

Josie said...

The shoulder detail is so beautiful! xxx

Sveva said...

love tho look! like the skirt so much!

Dressed With Soul said...

This is such a wonderful romantic look!

And thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog! I checked your blog and I like it <3 Of this cause I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come again to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


Diva In Me said...

You're sweet and that's a really nice skirt on you =)

Laura Jones said...

this is such a pretty outfit, i love it! x

Caro * said...

Lovely style beauty, your skirt is very pretty and I love your blouse.
You are very cute :)

Imke said...

Wauw, wat een mooie jumpsuit! Staat je erg goed!

XO Imke

Patricia G. said...

Love the vintage jumpsuit!!! The combo is so pretty! Love!

Rouge Lipstick said...

I see your blog for the very first time and I'm impressed! You're a pure beauty and your style is just incredible. I'll be your guest more often!:)


Anonymous said...

I love your style!

xo :D