Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Favorite show

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Comme des Garçons Fall/Winter 2012 still remains to be my favorite show, even after 2 years. I love the fact that there's no music at the beginning of the show, which makes it kinda uncomfortable to watch but also more interesting. The main focus is on the clothes and styling which is the intention of a fashion show, right?
And about the clothes (or should i say pieces of art); ooooh everything is so beautiful. I could dwell on it for hours and hours. The shapes are so unusual and there are colours everywhere! My favorite looks must be this one, where it looks like the dress is worn inside-outthis look with an amazing coat, and this full outfit, which you may have already seen here.
Now go on, go watch it yourself, your homework can wait!

The Elle Diaries said...

, I love that you featured a two year old fashion show, because the shapes and colors are completely on trend!!
I also find it moving and interesting to watch without the music.
Great shARE!

Rowan - Rebellious yet Romantic said...

Wat gaaf ja zonder muziek. Je wordt dan toch minder afgeleid ofzo. Mooie vormen in de kleding, echt apart. Ik vind de schoenen trouwens allemaal geweldig! :)

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

Zonder muziek ja, dat maakt het juist interessant! Ik vind de kleding te apart om zo te gaan dragen. Als ik iemand op straat zie lopen met deze kleding zal ik raar opkijken haha maar het hoort denk ik bij een fashion show ;) Het is inderdaad wel een stukje kunst!

Sam said...

Really interesting show with some outstanding looks, can't wait to see your powder pink suit in an outfit post, please let me know when it is up. Thanks for your style input, have a great and productive week ahead!

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

It's my fav show too!!!

Adeline Yang said...

I LOVE COMMES DES GARÇONS!!! Thanks for sharing the fashion show. The colour palette is inspiring and the silhouette is amazing! <3

Keys of Anouk said...

Ik dacht in 't begin: 'huh, wat is dat voor een geluid dan?' Maar dat zijn natuurlijk fototoestellen die je hoort haha :) Ik vind 't een prachtige show! xo

Dressed With Soul said...

Such a great idea to show this "old" collection which nevertheless looks really trendy :)

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


Caro * said...

Amazing show and pieces ! :)