Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Disposable camera

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Took these photos around December and i finally scanned them this morning, with only just the slightest bit of a delay ;)
My test-week ended yesterday, but i'm afraid i'll have to resit 4 of the exams next week (more stuDYING, ugh). God damn physics, i'll be so glad when i'm graduated!

tr3ndygirl influencer e fashion blogger said...

such a beautiful pictures! very nice
----> fashion blogger pamela soluri <----
have a nice weekend

Sam said...

Super fun photos, all the best for exams. Wishing you a splendid weekend!

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Zulke toffe foto's! Heb meteen trek in stroopwafel!

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

aah dat sfeertje, zo leuk! Geeft meteen zo'n jaren 90 sfeer op een of andere manier, omdat ze toen nog geen digitale camera's hadden ofzo?
Ik heb nog een wegwerpcamera als hij nog niet over de datum is.. ga hem zeker gebruiken na het zien van deze foto's!

Unknown said...

nice pics!
Buon week-end!

Manon Margaretha said...

Die met de confetti is zo leuk!

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

I love the colour of the camera though. It looks so good!

Dressed With Soul said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun :)

xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena


Puck said...

Ahw dat leuke vintage effect er overheen is zo tof! Super leuke foto's!

Joy said...

Hele gave foto's! Ik heb nog rolletjes van 2 jaar geleden liggen... Oops.


Sjo - Bordeaux Bravoure said...

Wauw super leuke fotos!
Die eene party foto is echt goed gelukt :)


Sam said...

Thanks for stopping by sweety, have a great creative week ahead!

Flo. said...

Ah die foto van jezelf is zo leuk Eline! Balen als je moet herkansen.. Hopen dat je het niet hoeft te doen, haha. X

Corinne said...

haha these are fantastic shots! totally remind me of disposable cameras (which have kind of died off thanks to digital); they have so much character and add so much more intrigue to each shot!
best of luck on your tests! you're almost done :D
xx Corinne

Laura Jones said...

nice photos:-) and good luck with your studies! x


OMG I love them! They look so cool, I need to experiment with a disposable camera too :)