Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

No worries, i'm still alive! Well, sort of. I've been very busy with the upcoming finals that will take place next week, and the week after that. To relax a bit i visited Groningen yesterday where The Hives and Kakkmaddafakka were playing, and it was soooo much fun! The Hives are even way better live than on CD, and Kakkmaddafakka's just one big party full of dancing :D
Oasap also knew how to cheer me up by sending this beautiful suit and skirt: not black and summer-proof, exactly what i needed!

Wonka sweets, a present for my friend // i-D magazine // The Body Shop honey lip balm
Oasap suit (click)
Oasap skirt (click)
amstervrouwtje said...

Woah amazing! Lovee it x

Manon Margaretha said...

Oh dat witte pak is echt prachtig, waarom heb ik die niet gezien haha!

Sophie (www.myveryownlookbook.com) said...

Ahhh dat pakje is geweldig!!


Couture Carrie said...

Love the shorts set!


CĂ­lia (When I grow up I want to be a granny) said...

I want to see it in outfit!

Federica Di Nardo said...

Omg I love the skirt *_*

The Cutielicious

Jodie said...

Awesome suit, I know how you feel like being busy and disappearing off the blogging community- why is April/May always so busy?
I have bangs so give the rolled fringe a go, all it takes is a few Bobby pins at the front to keep it neat :)

Margaret Dallospedale said...

Hi Eline,
Amazing haul babe!!!
The Indian Savage diary

ilovetrends said...

Love the two pieces of the second pic!

Dascha said...

Te leuk!! <3


Laura Jones said...

oh, i love both the two piece and the skirt, both so pretty! and i really want to try those wonka's sweets! hope your revision is going well:-) x

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

Super leuke items! Veel succes met je examens!

Kirsten Thyra said...

super mooi!

Sam said...

Love that white top and skirt, its so trendy and stunning. Thanks for your opinion on my last post, hope you're having a great week so far.

Unknown said...

i love the floreal skirt!

Ruby And Siel said...

Mooie items :) Ik zou ze zo naar mijn kleerkast willen verhuizen haha!

Joy said...

Ik vind dat pak echt heel vet!


Anonymous said...

Love the white suit esp & what a beautiful skirt!

Magda Carvalho said...

Love the skirt is so amazing and the clothes white is so cute.

Unknown said...

In love with this white set <3
Julie | http://www.juliechagas.com/

Cee said...

That white blouse and shorts set is just amazing - I can't wait to see how you'll wear it. (And I'm tempted to get one for myself!)

criscrascrus said...

great pieces! good luck with your finals! :)

Lady parisienne said...

Very cute! I want them all!

The Elle Diaries said...

LoVe that eyelet short and top, so gorgeous!
The skirt is a fabulous print. Good luck, you will do fine!
xx, Elle

lou said...

Gosh I am totally in love with your white two-piece!!
