Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Amsterdam Fashion Week day 2

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Thursday Amsterdam Fashion Week begun, and as i already told you i was there as well to check the shows! At day 1 i didn't take a lot of good photos so here are only photos from day 2, when i met up with Manon. Tomorrow i will meet Yvet as well oeeeh i'm so excited!
My favorite show of day 2 must be by Maaike Fransen. It wasn't just a normal show but more some kind of performance act with amazing outfits (seen on photo 2). Maybe i'll make a special post later on with more photos of the show cause it was so good!

1) Fernanda Fernandes
2) Maaike Fransen
3) NON by Kim
4) Lichting 2014
5) Joelle Boers & Bregje Cox
6) 7) Lichting 2014
Nina said...

U r lucky to be there looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive creations!

tr3ndygirl influencer e fashion blogger said...

very nice look,are all amazing
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Keys of Anouk said...

Wat een prachtige foto's heb je gemaakt zeg! :) xo

Charlotte said...

Heel gaaf, echt leuk dat je erheen bent gegaan. Ik was uitgenodigd voor 2 shows maar ik ben nu helaas op vakantie:(

fran said...



The Elle Diaries said...

Super photos, love this edgy designer and I can imagine how cool the spectacle was. This collection si very good, some a bit edgy for my taste, but some I would love to own, and I do appreciate the evident talent!
XX, elle

CĂ­lia (When I grow up I want to be a granny) said...

I like dutch fashion, is more edgy and funny than the rest!
The outfits from the second picture are the best, but also I like the mask from the first, the texture of the top from the fourth, the sweater with mineral print of the fifth (I think it's the most weareable outfit) and the "face accesories" of the other models and the "head accesorie" from the last, what is exactly? flowers?
Wish I could attend to that fashion shows!!

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

You had such a great opportunity to be there! Would love to experience the shows too :)

Sveva said...

great fashion show!

Window On My Wardrobe said...

Oh superleuk! Wat fijn dat je erbij was, lijkt me echt een geweldige ervaring!

X Sara

Couture Carrie said...

Amazing pics and looks!


Joy said...

Ziet er super uit!


Rachella - flourishingfit.com said...

Het ziet er geweldig uit, hopelijk heb je het super erg naar je zin gehad!

Patricia G. said...

Amazing pics!! You are a lucky girl!!!!

Miss Val's Creations said...

Amazing pieces. I bet you are having a blast covering fashion week!

Sam said...

Thanks for sharing this interesting fashion week with us! I appreciate your great comment, have a creative week ahead hun!

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

wat supergaaf dat je erbij was!!

Birte said...

Hahaha, die paardenjurk. Supergrappig!

Dascha said...

Wat gaaf! Mooie foto's ook <3
