Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Outfit recap

Thursday, 13 November 2014

It has been such a long while since i've done an outfit recap! Personally i always like to see it, to observe how someone's style has changed. Looking back on my own outfits i think everything has stayed quite the same (especially the colour-palette haha). And dear, i really need to work on some new poses!

Which one is your favorite?

Manon Margaretha said...

Mijn favorieten zijn die helemaal rechts boven, en die met je mooie rode duster coat!

Joy said...

Heel leuk! Je hebt inderdaad wel 1 rode lijn. Ik moet ook echt meer verschillende poses gaan oefenen!


fran said...

3rd outfit is the best for me


The Fashion Panda said...

Super mooie Oktober outfits ! :)


Anett said...

You have a great personal style, all of these outfit are very well styled! Haha I think after a while we all tend to repeat the same poses over and over again, I'm guilty of it too :D

Bella Pummarola

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Ik vind de tweede erg mooi!

Enara Girl said...

You look great everything you wear. xoxo

PiotrowskaPaulina said...

Great face ! You should be model ! kisses

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

I love the 2nd one! And I need to come up with the new pose too lol

Alberto Hugo Rojas said...

your pics and session always perfect

Only Yesterday Blog said...

You look gorgeous in your outfits, i love your styles <3


CĂ­lia (When I grow up I want to be a granny) said...

Is so nice to see all your outfits togheter! My favourite is the one of te plaid dress, because you look so cute in it!

Birte said...

Leuk overzicht! Ik vind de outfit bovenaan in het midden en die met de rode jas supermooi!

Charline . said...

You have such a nice style!
Actually, I love them all but I would say the one with the black blouse is my favourite :)

See you Eline xx

The Elle Diaries said...

Au contraire! You show excellent diversity! Love all of your looks , but if pressed, i will say that my top two is
1- the checked black and white mini with the peter pan collar
2- the mixed plaids on the bottom row

Love your looks! Truly!
xx, Elle

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

Hele leuke recap!

Laura Jones said...

the top right black&white outfit as well as the bottom left one are probably my favourites out of these! you have such a lovely style:-) xx

Anonymous said...

I love every outfit in this post omg! Have a great week.
xoxo, Ty

Caro * said...

Beautiful recap. I really love your the outfit with your red coat ;)

mlle spinosa said...

amazing outfits <3