Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

Instagram diary

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Amsterdam Fashion Week just started and i'm so exited about it! I wasn't able to attend any shows today, but i will definitely be there from friday till monday. And of course you can keep updated on my instagram (@fashion.roulette)!
What about you? Will i see any of you there?

Favorite // Time flies when you're having rum!
Amazing fashion piece // Wine & pizza night with my favorite ladies

Bedroom view // Perfect black winter dress
The beach is such a beautiful place // Creepy stuff in grandmas gallery

Great photo by  Jean-François Lepage // Going to Myanmar this summer! (more about this later)
Family portrait // Got myself a nice gift :))

Made myself something yummy after a long presentation day // Groningen looked beautiful
Can't wait for fashion week to begin! // Mercurius by Pyuupiru

Little weaving experiment i did // Grandma vs me (more about it in my last post)
Avocado + cheese + egg = delicieux // Haiku maker at a school exhibition

Birte said...

Oeh, wat leuk dat je naar Myanmar gaat :-). Ik ben gek op Azië, maar the hubby en ik trekken dit jaar de andere kant op en gaan naar Bolivia. Ik ben superbenieuwd!

LoveT. said...

Great Collection of amazing Photos! Interesting Images :)


The Elle Diaries said...

As always I am impressed wit your photos! Great humour too! Life does indeed when you are having rum.
Love the family portrait, that stunning beach shot,
the fashion photos, even loved the shot of your grandma's attick.
Nice seeing that shot of you again, in the fur, juxtaposed with the shot of your mom in the same!

Lots of good things coming your way!
well deserved!
XX, elle

Anett said...

Always love your insta pics, so pretty! Have a great weekend! :)

Bella Pummarola

Fresh Is Yummy said...

Amazing pictures! Great inspirations!:)


Veri said...

Great photos :-)

Unknown said...

Stunning post dear!!
love your style so much and your blog is amazing!


Patricia G. said...

Myanmar!! You are a lucky girl!!! Hope you enjoy the fashion week!

Caro * said...

Lovely photos. Kisses :)