Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

It's working!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Yes, it worked! I went to the library today because it all went wrong on my laptop, and on the computers there it went well! Haha. Actually it seems kinda stupid, doing so much effort for this not even interesting post, but i just needed it to work.
Test week is taking a lot of my time, so i'm not able to take photos... Hopefully i can take a few this weekend!
And as you can see, i became a huge fan of Eleven Paris. I know the moustache shirts are a bit 'old' by now, but i like them anyway. I can't wait to combine these tops with shorts and a denim jacket. That would just be the perfect summer outfit!

Topshop denim jacket
Eleven Paris triangle top
Eleven Paris kate moss tshirt or top
Eleven Paris mona lisa tshirt or top
Eleven Paris aztec top
Eleven Paris karl lagerfeld tshirt or top

Lisa Rosalie said...

Superleuk, vooral de shirts met Kate Moss en Karl Lagerfeld!

Roshelle | Life Of Roshelle said...

Geweldig die shirts, haha!

Joy. | justlikesushi.com said...

Jaaa de Eleven Paris T-shirts zijn erg leuk!

Manon Margaretha said...

Dat onderste middelste shirt is echt leuk !

helena said...

Supervet! Ik wil die met Kate Moss!

- said...

Ha wat leuk vooral die van kate moss!

Jan said...

Ze zijn erg gaaf inderdaad!
&Haha ik denk dat je niet echt moet kijken naar wat 'in' is en wat niet,
zolang jij het leuk vindt moet je het natuurlijk gewoon dragen :D

Sandra Leiva said...

Nice pieces! <3

fran said...

yesss, perfect clothes for this summer


Rachella - flourishingfit.com said...

Ik vind 2 en 5 leuk! X

Sisters and Sisters said...

leuk die karlshirt!


Malou said...

Heel erg leuk!

DictatesofFashion said...

Kei leuke t-shirts! Nu ga ik wel eens wat opzoeken over dat merk 'Eleven Paris'!

Tugce said...

Leuke shirts!
Je hebt een nieuwe volger! x

lucia m said...

perfect tees


Amy said...

wow die laatste top van karl is echt cool!!

Mafalda said...

I love all the clothes you picked, I wish I had them all


Al said...

Love the lagerfeld top !