Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

New glasses

Tuesday 24 March 2015

5 minutes after i came home the doorbell rang. Since i was already expecting my glasses from Polette today i ran downstairs as fast as i could and indeed, the mailman was there! I opened the package and 2 amazing pair of glasses where looking at me. And a true miracle: they even looked good on me haha! Normally glasses don't suit me, but on the website from Polette you can take a picture with your webcam and try the glasses on. Another benefit: they offers glasses for a great price, since they're being the only intermediate between the factory and customer. So perfect for a student! These 2 pairs cost $68 in total, which isn't expensive at all, considering that i have prescription glasses.
Do i need to say more? Check it out here (click)!

Ps. I want to mention as well that their costumer service is great. They helped me a lot with answering questions about the order and fixed everything when i'd done something wrong. And thank you Fielmann for giving me a free eye test!
Pps. Have you checked my Instagram already? I posted a photo wearing the see-through framed glasses!

Miss fashionmix said...

Love your sunnies! Looking great!!
XOXO from Shanghai!

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

Love these retro style!

Sakuranko said...

Oh very cute sunglasses


Caro * said...

Beautiful sunglasses !! :)

jennie said...

They look amazing! ox

BEAUTYEDITER.COM – Beauty Blog said...

Awesome! Thank you for sharing this to us and have an amazing Friday! :)

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Jeanne said...

Very cool sunnies Eline! Thanks for sharing!


Magda Carvalho said...

Love the sunnies.

PiotrowskaPaulina said...

Cool sunglasses! I want have the same ;)


Unknown said...

Love the black one :)

Paulina said...

Great sunnies!

Anett said...

They look really cute! I'd love to see them on you.

Bella Pummarola

Unknown said...

Gorgeous shades!!! xo~ Lena

Joy said...

Tof! Ik vond die doorschijnende je heel leuk staan :)


Imke said...

Wauw wat een pracht examplaren! EN inderdaad een heel goede prijs voor brillen op sterkte!

XO Imke