Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

A goodbye

Sunday, 5 April 2015

It feels very strange to type this. A goodbye from my blog. This website has been a big part of my life for 4,5 years, and after today it's ending. I have double feelings about stopping, but i know it's the right thing to do. As you've probably noticed i've been really busy lately, and it's hard for me to keep my blog up to date. The ones who know me well are familiar with the fact that i like to do things perfectly, or simply not at all. Which means blogging didn't make me happy lately. It felt more like an obligation than fun, which is not the purpose of course.

The reason why i started blogging in the first place was to share my passion about photography, fashion and art. The people in my hometown didn't understand my 'weird' clothes, so i wanted to find some people who did like it and supported it. And it did me so much good! All the reactions i got, YOU, made me really really happy, and gave me way more confidence! To be honest i don't think i would do my fashion design BA interview next week if my blog wouldn't have existed. If you wouldn't have been there. I never regretted starting my blog, and am truly grateful for all the amazing opportunities i got because of it, and all the wonderful people i've met. But i feel like it has to come to an end now. A happy one!

I honestly wish you all the best, and joy with blogging. Never forget to have fun! It's the most important thing there is. BIG KISS TO YOU ALL!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Dress: NHTK
Earrings: old ones from mom

I would like to give an extra thank to my mom, grandpa and best friend Dönja, for taking so many of my pictures! You all did an amazing job and i'm so thankful!
Joy said...

Oh nee, you will be missed. Ik vind het heel jammer!! Ik wil je alle succes wensen natuurlijk. Ik ga je stiekem nog een beetje in de gaten houden op Facebook. And I hope dat we als het lekker weer is weer gezellig sigaretjes en wijntjes kunnen doen, lijkt mij heel gezellig!!


Manon Margaretha said...

Ik vind het zo jammer, maar ik snap het ook zo goed! Nu kan je al je energie stoppen in je studie en hopelijk hele mooie dingen gaan maken!

Iep said...

Trots ben ik op je!

Paulina said...

Great pics ;)

Closet Fashionista said...

Good luck with everything! I'll still be keeping up with you on Instagram :)

Unknown said...

Het is jammer maar veel succes met je studie ! :)

Patricia G. said...

Dear, keep blogging, please, you are amazing!! I enjoy so much your blog and your looks!! I wish I could read you every day!

Charlotte said...

Aw I'm going to miss reading your blog so much! Good luck with everything else though!


Cute earrings :) M&MFASHIONBITES mmfashionbites.blogspot.gr
Maria V.

jennie said...

Good luck with everything lovely! :) xo

Birte said...

Ik heb in elk geval héél erg genoten van je blog altijd. Veel plezier en succes met alles wat je doet!

Anonymous said...

Heel begrijpelijk. Als je er zelf niet meer zoveel plezier uit haalt, is het klaar. Altijd genoten van je blog in ieder geval :)

LoveT. said...

The Pics are adorable! Love all of them :)


Unknown said...

woow! this is big... :( we will miss you!
wish you all the lucky in the world on this whole new phase :)
http://www.tastemycloset.com/ | http://www.passionfordenim.com/

Imke said...

Oh wauw dit had ik echt niet verwacht! Maar ik snap je keuze wel, als je werk/schoolleven er niet meer mee te combineren is, is het inderdaad beter het stop te zetten. En als het plezier weg is, is er inderdaad helemaal niks meer aan. Ik heb alleszins genoten van je blog! Hopelijk zie ik je wel nog verschijnen op Instagram! :) Veel plezier en succes met alles meid!

XO Imke

The Equinox Fashion by Paweerata said...

It's hard to say goodbye because I always love reading your blog, especially your instagram is so artsy and I love that! I believe in your decision and respect your thoughts, so wish you all the best. Say hi sometimes on Instagram yeah ? :D

Cherelle de Graaf said...

Ik vind het nog steeds allejezus jammer, maarja, ze zeggen wel eens dat je moet stoppen op je hoogtepunt. Bovendien maak je nu weer plaats voor nieuwe, mooie en inspirerende dingen. Liefde.

Unknown said...

You look so beautiful :)

Laura Jones said...

sad to hear that this is a goodbye, but i completely understand! and everything must end at some point:-) i've been feeling a bit like this too, as i'm finding it hard to do both blogging and uni at the minute. but i'm just waiting for a time when i'll have more time to blog, ha. all the best, and good luck with your interview and everything else in the future, lovely! xx

Claudia said...

Ik vind het knap dat je de keuze hebt gemaakt. Ik ga je wel missen in blogland, maar ik wens je veel succes!

Sakuranko said...

My best wishes for you
Was a pleasure follow your blog


Anett said...

I'm sorry you're not going to be blogging any more, but what a great way to say goodbye with these beautiful shots! It was great following you and I wish you all the best!


Tinuology said...

Goodluck with everything. :(

Judith | Juudithhome said...

Aaaawh, ik zal jou en je artikelen heel erg gaan missen. Maar je moet doen waar je je goed bij voelt! XO

Caro * said...

Marvelous photos Eline. I wish you all the best in your life. Kisses :)

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

Aah ik lees dit nu pas! Vroeg me al af waar je berichtjes bleven.. jammer zeg :( Maar als het het beste is dan is dat zo. Het is belangrijk dat je er plezier in blijft hebben en als dat niet zo is dan houdt het op. Jammer!! Hoop toch nog eens wat van je te horen :)

Charline . said...

Oh this is so sad :-( but if you feel like it's the good thing to do for you so just do it!
Wish you all the best and maybe see you one day :)

See you Eline xx

Joana Sá said...

Wish you can continue blog!! Best wishes for you

Kiss kiss.*Jo

Tanja S. said...

I'm sad you're leaving and I wish you all the best for the future!