Disposable camera photos The Hague hotspots Out of the blue

New coat

Monday, 15 December 2014

Sorry for the loooong silence here, truth is i've been very busy! I will not bore you with all my activities but i can tell you that the presentation for the fashion department of school went extremely well (last year i did admission for fashion photography where i didn't get accepted, so i decided to go to the preparatory year. A month ago i decided to switch my focus to fashion & textile), and my birthday on tuesday was a lot of fun. This weekend i also went to a vintage kilo sale where i bought this beau-ti-ful coat!

Coat: vintage
Shoes: Sasha
Earrings: Six

Closet Fashionista said...

That coat is so pretty, I love the shape!
And yayy for your presentation going well!

Unknown said...

Prachtige jas! I love vintage ♡

Keys of Anouk said...

Wat een mooie jas! :) xo

Manon Margaretha said...

WAS JE NOG NOOIT BIJ EEN KILO SALE GEWEEST!?!? Werd eens tijd dan haha!

fran said...

the second pic is really beautiful, i love your smile!!!

NEW OUTFIT IN THE BLOG: sweaters for autumn with Daniel Wellington and JVZ

Marion | The Dutch Adventure Seeker said...

Kilo sales zijn fijnnnn! Hele toffe jas, de lengte is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Wat een heerlijke jas! Lekker lang en warm en past overal bij! :)

Laura Jones said...

that coat really is beautiful, such a great find! and happy belated birthday! xx

FelyM said...

nice coat

The Fashion Panda said...

Beautiful coat ! :)


Claudia said...

Die jas is prachtig en die knoopjes, vet cute. Ik ben ook nog nooit bij een vintage kilo sale geweest, maar het staat wel op mijn to do lijstje

De Dotties said...

Ooh ik vind hem erg mooi! Heel classy!

Joy said...

Nog gefeliciteeeeeerd! En je jas is super tof :)


The Elle Diaries said...

So glad, and not surprised that your presentation went well!
Love this new coat, the details and the color and both classic and somewhat novel! Perfect!
xx, Elle

Caro * said...

This coat is perfect on you ! You are very pretty and elegant :)

Jouvence said...

erg mooie jas ♥ xx